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*No one's POV*

Marinette went home after dealing with Alix and went straight up to her room. Her parents were worried for her, they noticed her change of everything but whenever they asked about it, Mari would get really angry.

Mari sat, spinning around in circles on her desk chair. Her room wasn't the pink style anymore, instead it was all black and purple.....yes of course the pictures of Adrien were still there.

Mari stared into thin air, replaying how she got akumatized.

She just got to school and was early for once, no one had seen her yet.

"Does she still like him" Nino asked Alya

"Yep" she said sounding annoyed

"Why? He likes Ladybug not Mari. She needs to get over him, it's pathetic"

"Yeah she does. I don't want to see her get rejected by him"

'Alya doesn't think he'll like me either' Mari thought

"Ohhh you talking about Mari's crush. She should let go of him, I don't see it happening" Kim said

More people stared joining in on the conversation but Mari was already down the street crying her eyes out.

She thought Alya of all people would stick by her. Mari slid down against a wall, in an area that she didn't know and cried.........


She got home later and heard her parents talking.....

"Does she still like that Agreste boy"

"Yeah I think so. She should move on, it's never gonna happen"

She ran up to her room with tears streaming down her pink cheeks. Tikki tried to confort Mari but she couldn't. Mari got more angry then sad which of course caused an akuma.......

The akuma flew right into her heart......

She couldn't fight it, infact she wanted this.........revenge.

"Mari?" someone asked

She shook her head and looked at Tikki

"Yes?" she asked

"It's time for patrol" Tikki groaned

Tikki was acting like she was akumatized but she wasn't. Since Mari was akumatized and she was her holder, then Tikki was turning just as bad as Mari.

She rolled her eyes, "Fuck patrol, I'm going to bed"


The next day, Mari walked into school and received a bunch of stares.

"What?!" she snapped and everyone flinched

"Y-your eyes" Alya stuttered as Mari sat down next to her

"T-they're black" Adrien stuttered as him and Nino turned around

"What?!" Mari shrieked and ran out of the classroom

While she was running, she found Miss Bustier and immediately had an idea, "Run! Akuma!"

Miss Bustier dropped everything and ran along with Mari who was smirking again. Mari led her to the bathroom and locked the door.

"We should be safe in here" Mari breathed out

"Thanks Mari, I trust you so I know that we're safe" Miss Bustier said

Mari burst out laughing

"What's so funny?"

"You...need to protect the right students, Zombizou" Mari cackled and held a butterfly mask in her hand

"Oh my god, Mari stop-" Miss Bustier shouted since she realized that Mari was the akuma and she was trapped in the bathroom. She screamed in pain as the mask was pressed against her face.

Marinette told her the rules as her eyes grew even more black. Miss Bustier agreed and Marinette walked out then ran back to class.

She entered and sat down in her seat with her class still staring at her.

"Your eyes are still black" Alya said and scooted away from her

"I should be worried why?" Mari snarled

"This isn't normal! Are you okay? Did-did something hap-" Alya asked worrily


"Mari calm down!!" Adrien exclaimed.

He had never seen Mari like this and neither had anyone else. He was scared and worried for the girl.

"Shut it model boy" Mari sneered

"Not until you tell us what's going on!"

"Yeah dudette what's happened to you?" Nino asked

Mari just laughed evily and you could see Adrien and Nino visibly shiver. She walked out of the room just before Miss Bustier entered......

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