The Answer

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*No one's POV*

The heros who were now on the ground, trapped under Mylene's slimey trap looked at the screens around them. Alya and Marinette were there but Alya was Lady Wifi. Their only hope was gone.........

"What is wrong with you guys?! How did you guys get akumatized?!" Kim yelled while trying to get free

"We learned the truth" they said in unison

"What? That is is the right thing to do? You guys are supposed to be heros with or without a suit. It shouldn't matter if you're upset, you never hurt anyone" Kim yelled and the other two boys stared at him in astonishment. Kim was actually speaking something other than "Burn!" or "I dare you to........!"

"It's too late for that" Alix said and she was gonna go off with the others but Kim stopped her.

"Why are you even akumatized? Lost a race? Alix this isn't you!! What happened the Alix I know who does dares and goes against me no matter what? What happend to the girl who always make sure that she won? The only girl that wanted to challenge me because she could and wasn't afraid. What happen to the Alix I love?" Kim asked sadly and the guys almost screamed.

Did the big tough dare devil just confess?

He missed the girl who would do dares against him and scream to the entire school that she beat him.

"Kim!! Look!!" Chat yelled

They all watched as Alix's transformation flickered to her normal self then back to the akumatized version.

"What does that mean?" Kim asked

Chat gasped, "That's it! Mistrust!! Mari must've lied to them and they believed her. We have to tell them the truth. We have to beat Miss Trust at her own game which is making people believe her and now we have to make people believe us by telling the real truth!!" Chat exclaimed happily, finding out that Master Fu gave him a clue when he went to his house.

"It only flickered when you said that you love her so maybe that's what you have to make her believe" Ivan said and Kim nodded

"Alix I don't know what you've been told but the truth is....I love you. I fell in love with you the day you first excepted a dare from me. I couldn't stop thinking about you after that. It has always been you to challenge me to something. If you beat me, you would scream to all of Paris that you beat me and that's the cutest thing I've ever seen. I love you Alix, I really do. I guess I was too cowardly to admit that I do since you are my dare partner and that I'm not the one for feelings but please Alix believe me. I love you" Kim said to Alix, looking her in the eyes the entire time.

Her transformation started to flicker more and more, "Come on Alix!! Fight it!! I DARE you to!!"

Alix fell to her knees and screamed in pain as her transformation wore off.

Kim did it........he saved Alix and confessed

Alix slowly lifted her head, "What happened?" she groaned

"Alix transform!!" Kim yelled

"What do you mean? Who are you?" Alix asked

"It's Kim now say, "Fluff clockwise" and transform!!" Kim yelled

Alix's eyes went wide as she realized what had happend, Kim confessed to me........he said he loves me, Alix thought. She snapped out of it and said the words. She stared down at herself in awe.

"Awesome" she said and looked at the boys and saw them stuck to the ground, "Oh right!"

Alix used her claws and super speed to destroy all the slime that was holding the boys down. They all hopped up.

"Thanks Alix" Chat said

"No problem weird cat Agreste boy" Alix snorted

Chat pouted and Alix burst out laughing

"What the hell?! Are you even real?! This is not the Adrien we see!!" Alix laughed really loud. She was laughing so hard she fell over.

"Yeah yeah yeah come on we have to go and de-akumatize the others" Chat grumbled as Alix laughed even louder

"The shy model who is too much of a PUSSY CAT to stand up to his own father is a leader of a bunch of superheros?!" Alix laughed

"Kim pick her up and let's go find the others" Chat grumbled and hopped away with Ivan

Kim chuckled at the laughing Alix he had in his arms as he flew to where Chat and Ivan where. Kim set Alix down but she was still laughing, just not as much.

"Ok do you have any information about Marinette's powers?" Chat asked Alix and she finally calmed down..........

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