Almost There

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*No one's POV*

Marinette walked into class the next day, her eyes still black and sat next Alya.

"Morning" Alya said still weirded out by Mari's eyes

"Sup" Mari said, she wanted to akumatize Alya really bad but she would have to wait for that. She wanted Alya to watch as her bestie ends up revealing that she is akumatized because of her.

"Morning Mari" Adrien said with a smile

Ugh stop being beautiful!!

"Sup" Mari said

"What do you think's going on here with everyone screaming?" Alya asked the three

"I'm not sure but it sure is scaring me" Mari lied

"I think it might be Hawkmoth, I'm not sure. Alya have you seen the superhero's at all?" Adrien asked

"I've only seen Chat Noir, no Ladybug!! I'm really worried and I can tell Chat is too, he really cares for her" Alya rambled

Marinette wanted to roll her eyes, she is annoyed with that alley cat.

I only have eyes for Adrien!! Why the hell can't he see that?! Mari thought (I'm just banging my head on my desk, move along!!)

Miss. Bustier walked in and started class......


On the way to lunch Mari spotted Mylene and Max walking down to lunch.

"Hey can I talk to you guys?" Mari asked while running up them

"Sure" they both responded and they walked into an empty classroom

"What do you need Mari?" Mylene asked

"Well I have to tell you guys each one thing and I'm sorry but you have to know. So first......umm, Mylene.....I heard that Ivan is moving soon and is being forced to break up with you" Mari said sadly as she watched Mylene's face go from concered to shock to sadness real quick.

"He wasn't gonna tell you for some reason and....uhh y-yeah. I'm really sorry" Mari said sympathetically as Mylene cried on Max

"And for you......I heard the teachers talking and they said that they are getting a new student soon and he's better than you at gaming. Max......they're-they're gonna replace you" Mari said cautiously

"What? They would never......"

"I'm sorry" Mari said

They both believed her, Mylene was sad while Max was mad. Marinette smirked and then started laughing.

"Why a-are you laughing?" Mylene sniffed

"Cuz all you guys are dumb" Mari laughed as she made a purple butterfly appear in each hand

"It was fake!" Max exclaimed

"Run!" Mylene yelled in fear

They both ran towards the door but when they opened it they saw all the secretly akumatized people blocking the door way

"Guys run she's akumatized!!" Mylene yelled and they all laughed

"We know" they said and a butterfly mask appeared across each one of their faces

Max and Mylene gasped and backed up forgetting that Mari was there. Mari walked up and forced the masks on from behind them. The two screamed as the others ran away as Mari told them the rules.......

Almost there..........

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