She Had Plans

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*No One's POV*

"Mari stop this!!" Chat yelled while clentching his fist as hard as he could so his ring could stay on

"Shut up you stupid cat!!" Miss Trust yelled and punched him in the face

Chat's face whipped to the side and Miss Trust pried his fist open as Hawkmoth appeared a couple feet away

"I finally did it" Hawkmoth whispered as Miss Trust had her fingers on Chat's ring

"Goodbye kitty cat" Miss Trust said as she pulled Chat's ring off his finger

"Noooo!!" Chat yelled as he detransformed back into Adrien

Everyone was silent. Miss Trust dropped the ring in shock as she stood right infront of Adrien and Hawkmoth was shocked silent.

"Adrien?" Miss Trust whispered

"Mari please don't do this!" Adrien sobbed

It was a couple minutes before Miss Trust picked up the ring and held it between her fingers.

"Give me the ring" Hawkmoth said with his voice slightly cracking

Miss Trust looked at Adrien who was still sobbing, "Mari, please"

"Please Mari" came from her left which were all her detransformed classmates sobbing and holding on to the bars of one of the many cages

Miss Trust smirked evilly as a butterfly mask came over her face and everyone was confused since Hawkmoth wasn't talking.

"Get him" Miss Trust said and Hawkmoth was grabbed by the Gorilla

"Hey!! What are you doing!? You can't do this!!" Hawkmoth yelled

"Yes I can, they are my akumas aren't they?" Mari said evilly, "Now, let's see who you are"

"What?!" Hawkmoth yelled

His plan was failing, he thought he won and chose the right girl....but he didn't....because she had plans

Miss Trust stalked over to Hawkmoth and took his miraculous with ease, but it wasn't easy to get over who was under the mask.

"Father?" Adrien asked in shock and betrayl

"Woah, not cool dude" Nino said as him, the class, and kwamis were watching this unfold

"Adrien, let me explain-" Gabriel started

"No! You just, shut up!! This is all your fault!! Now the love of my life is evil and dangerous because of you!! I'm so sick of you, you are supposed to be my father yet I have to rely on your workers and my friends to raise me better than you ever did!!" Adrien screamed

"Yeah, you tell him Adrien!!" the class cheered as the model screamed at his shocked father

As Adrien was yelling at his father, no one noticed Miss Trust slipping the Cat Miraculous on her finger, the same one that Adrien had it on. No one noticed how Anti Bug was tearing up and started crying. No one noticed what was actually happening. No one noticed that-

Mari grabbed Plagg and squeezed him, "What do I say little cat?"

"I will never..t-tell y-you" Plagg choked out

Mari squeezed him harder, "What. Do. I. Say."

"S-top" Plagg choked

"Tell. Me. NOW"

"C-claws-s O-ou-t"

"Good kitty," Mari smirked, "Claws Out! Spots On!"

"NOOOO!!!!" the class yelled which gained Adrien and his father's attention to see Mari have the ultimate power

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