We Never Noticed

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*No one's POV*

The next day everyone was still trying to figure out why the others were screaming. They kept questioning Max and Mylene but they got nothing.

"Ok class today we will play a game" Miss Bustier said they all cheered

"What's the game called?!" Kim said eagerly

"It's actually and escape room" Miss. Bustier said with a smirk

"How do you play?" Kim asked

"You have to escape past us to get out of the room. If you don't pass us in time then your body will be taken over and if you do escape........you run"

"Umm ok? Wait who are we escaping from?" Kim asked

Marinette stood up and walked to the front, "Us" she said with a smirk

"You mean you?" Kim asked confused

"Nah, you need to escape US or your body will be taken over......this isn't a game of winning Kim, it's a game of survival" Mari said evily as a butterfly mask went across her face and everyone gasped, most of them were fake.

"Let the game begin!!" Mari laughed as she transformed and soon Juleka, Chloe, and Miss. Bustier all transformed into their akumatized selves. They all laughed and jumped up the front. Shocking Hawkmoth, Mari gave Juleka a new power that allowed her to multiply on her own so she was surrounding the entire room.

 Shocking Hawkmoth, Mari gave Juleka a new power that allowed her to multiply on her own so she was surrounding the entire room

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(She doesn't have the wooden stick things, just the dress and blindfold over the eyes)

Everyone left couldn't believe their eyes........Marinette was akumatized this entire time. They felt so stupid for not getting on her about her new changes, most of all they felt disappointed in themselves.

Alya started to tear up while Nino pulled her down to his seat and comforted her. He didn't want to though but this was the plan.

Adrien was freaking out right now, he was Chat Noir and he couldn't hide to transform. He was praying that his lady would show up soon........but little did he know.

They all sat there wondering what to do, "Time's ticking!!" Mari sang and walked towards Adrien, Alya and Nino

"Why are you akumatized?" Alya asked

"Ohh you don't know?" Mari pouted, "It's your fault for being a terrible friend! Don't act like you haven't been talking bad about me behind my back!!" Mari lied. This was the plan for LadyWifi

Alya was confused "What are you talking about? I didn't-"

"I don't wanna hear it, now if you'll excuse me I need to go look for that dumbass alley cat" she said annoyed and left the room.

Everyone just sat there and had no clue what to do. They were trapped with no way out.........unless.

Adrien looked around and saw that everyone was scared and being hugged. Alix with Kim, Alya with Nino, Rose and Sabrina with Max, and Ivan with Mylene. Adrien sighed and got up, he hated to do this but he had to since everyone needed to hide. He couldn't wait for his lady any longer.

"Adrien, what are you doing?" Kim asked

He faced the class and took a deep breath and got ready........


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