Ladybug to the Rescue

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*No One's POV*

The heros were trapped by everyone. Giants, knights, puppets, icecream, robots, ice, wild animals and more surrounded the heros and were all around Paris. Speaking of Paris, it was completely detroyed.

"We need to get out of here!!" Nino yelled as everyone was being attacked from all sides

The heros couldn't do anything. It didn't matter if they broke their akumatized objects, only Mari could release them from the dark magic. Alix used her super speed to run around with Rose in her arms and place her on a building, Kim flew with Nino in his arms to the building that Alix was on while Chat had Ivan on his staff and Max took Mylene.

All the heros were hiding on the building as the ground shook with everyone looking for them. Soon, a familiar person came into view.

"Bugaboo!!" Chat yelled and everyone, including Ladybug shushed him

Chat ran up to Ladybug and hugged her, then sat next to her.

"Where have you been?!" everyone whisper-yelled at Ladybug

"Sorry guys, I've been caught up in my own problems but I finally got here. What the heck is going on?! I don't show up for one fight and all of Paris is being knocked down!" Ladybug whispered

"A girl named Marinette got akumatized and she went off to akumatize her entire school while the citizens were getting akumatized by each other and now....well we are here. You need to be careful M'lady, she's far ahead of us" Chat said and the rest of the heros glared at him, especially Alix, Kim, and Ivan

"How in the world did this- you know what, I won't ask. Where is this Marinette girl?" Ladybug asked

"We don't know. The victims have new powers" Kim said

"Yeah I know, I saw so many Reflecta's" Ladybug said

"Vanisher also has new powers, she can make other things invisible" Nino said

"Well that's fortunate" Ladybug said sarcastically, "What's the plan?"

"We don't...know? Ladybug...?" Chat started but stopped when Ladybug disappeared

"It was an illusion..." Nino said

"Volpina" everyone said

"Well then where's Lady-" Chat started again

"Look!!" Rose exclaimed and pointed out to the streets

Everyone got up and looked at the streets. Everyone was turning back to normal and that confused the heros.

"How is that possible?!" Kim exclaimed

"Well I was able to sneak up on Miss Trust and get her akuma, she was a tough one I'll have to admit that" someone said from behind

"BUGABOO!!" Chat yelled and ran to hug her

"Hey kitty heros who I don't know" Ladybug said and looked around Chat

All then heros introduced themselves in their hero name.

"Nice to meet you guys and thanks for the help" Ladybug said

"It was all you, you were the one to stop Marinette" Kim said and everyone stared at him with wide eyes

"How did you know her name?" Ladybug said

"Uhhh, I just heard around" Kim smiled nervously

"Okay?" Ladybug said unsure

"Wait...where is Marinette?" Mylene asked and Ladybug shrugged

"She disappeared after I got the akuma"

"Well then let's go find her!!" Chat ordered and everyone went together to search the streets for her

As they were walking, a bunch of cages fell on them.....except for Ladybug.

"What the?" Alix said as they all held onto the bars

"What are we gonna do? Chat do you have your cataclysm?" Ladybug asked

"Sorry M'lady I don't" Chat said sadly

"I thought we were done with this!" Alix yelled while slamming her hands against the bars

"Can't you just slice the cage apart with your yo-yo?" Chat asked Ladybug who was standing on the other side of the bars

"Yeah, can't you?" Nino asked and everyone agreed

"Now why would she do that?" LadyWifi asked while walking up to Ladybug

The heros were taken back, "I thought you were gone!" Kim yelled

"Aww well you thought wrong" Ladybug said and it went in slow motion

Around the cages appeared Sabrina, then every single villian they just saw detransform. Ladybug started laughing at the heros who looked at her in disbelief and horror.

Then that's when it all changed........

"Tikki, Spots Off"

The heros gasped, "No" Chat whispered as he teared up

"Gotcha" Marinette said as she leaned towards Chat's face, but seconds later, transformed to a new outfit...

(Geez, it took me so long to get this pic bc none of my pics were showing so I had to count from my Gallery over to Wattpad)

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(Geez, it took me so long to get this pic bc none of my pics were showing so I had to count from my Gallery over to Wattpad)

"No No NO!!" Chat yelled as he slammed his claws against the bars, "Marinette please, this isn't you!! Marinette or Ladybug would never do this!! Please Bugaboo, snap of out it" Chat cried

"Well too bad Mari got akumatized, me being Ladybug was just," Mari smiled and shrugged, "Luck"

"Why are you doing this!?" Chat yelled as he was dragged out of the cages and held back by Anti Bug and a couple Reflectas

"To get my love. Do you know how much it hurts to have the one you love not notice you because you are "just a friend"?! Do you know how much time I've spent hoping that he would notice me? We would get together and never break up? Do you know that I've fallen so much in love with him that I could describe him down to detail to what he looks like to his personality?! I fell hard for him but I'm too pathetic for him to notice me! I spend everyday waiting and hoping that my angel will ask me out, hug me, or hold my hand. I fell so hard for him that I would do anything for him" Marinette screamed and Chat knowing that she's Ladybug, broke his heart

"Yes," Chat mumbled, "Who is he?" Chat asked

"You don't need to know," Mari said and stalked towards him, "All you need to know is that you LOST"

Chat started thrashing around in hopes to get away but it was no use. He was about to transform back into his civilan form but it wouldn't matter since Miss Trust was about to take his ring.......

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