The First Fight

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*No one's POV*

The heros stared at the new akumatized people surrounding them in shock.

"Come on, you have to fight them" Chat said after shaking his head to snap out of it

"How?" Ivan asked

"Just trust yourself and fight" Chat said and started on the Bubbler while Alya started on the Timebreaker as the rest got to work. It took them a couple times but they were getting the hang of it.

"How do we get the akuma?!?" Alya panicked, holding a broken skate

"I don't know! Master Fu said that to beat Mari, we have to beat her at her own game" Chat said

"What's her game then?" Kim asked

"I don't know, how did she get them akumatized?" Chat asked and they all shrugged

Kim, who was holding Princess Fragrance's perfume sprayed it everywhere.

"RUN!!" he shouted and the superheros ran across the school, following Chat to the broken window where they escaped.


"Oh Kitty there you are!!" Mari screamed as she came up behind the superheros

They all spun around, "Mari!!" Alya or Rena Rogue screamed

"It's not Marinette foxy it's Miss Trust! Now give me your miraculous Kitty Cat!!" Mari screamed

"Mistrust?" Kim asked

"No, Miss Trust. Separate words" Chat said


The heros were so caught up in discussing their coversation, they didn't realize that Mari was now behind them. She was bent down and slowly reaching out for Chat's hand that was just hanging there. She quickly grabbed his hand but his reflexes kicked in and he clentched his fist and flung Mari over his shoulder.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Princess!!" Chat said

"Princess?! Oh my fox are you kidding me? We are talking!!" Alya screamed. Her friend called her bestie 'princess' and yet he's not dating her?!

"Don't you mean, kitten me?" Chat snickered and all of them groaned

"Wow, ladybug is right, your puns are terrible and they're badly timed" Kim said, "I never expected you of all people to be a punny person"

"So I'm punny!?" Chat laughed loudly

"Never would've guessed it" Ivan said throwing his arms in the air

"Seriously this a new side of you" Kim said

"Whatever" Chat pouted and the 2 boys looked at him like he was crazy. This was definately NOT the Adrien that they knew.

Marinette just stood there with all the other akumatized people surrounding the distracted heros.

"Ahh Chat Noir is still the same distracting alley cat. Thinking that his puns are more important then saving Paris" Mari laughed as the heros looked around and realized that they were trapped. Nino had a two bubbles around them so they couldn't escape even of Chat used cataclysm.

The heros put there backs together and got ready to fight........

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