Failed Plan

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*No One's POV*

All the hero's started their plan to distract their akumatized friends but that didn't go as planned. They were able to distract Chloe and Sabrina until 50 Reflecta's came and fought them off. Now Chat on the other hand had Miss Trust with him.

"What do you want alley cat?" Miss Trust sighed, annoyed

"I want Marinette back"

Miss Trust groaned, "How many times do I have to tell you?! Marinette is DEAD. D-E-A-D. DEAD. Just. Like. Ladybug!!" she yelled and attacked him

"No she isn't!" Chat yelled while moving back, fighting

"Yes she is and you guys can't and will never get her back!"

"She will be here!" Chat yelled from the ground after Miss Trust knocked him down

"Wow, you are so pathetic. She won't come to save your ass, she hates you. She's gone Chat, get that past your cat ears"

"I don't believe you"

"You don't have to. Time will tell, I mean Ladybug isn't here, is she? No! She isn't! Because she's dead!!" Miss Trust screamed and hit Chat onto the ground again

Just when she was about to hit him again, a turtle shell blocked her hit.

"You're surrounded Miss Trust, it's over" Carapace said

Miss Trust looked around and saw all the heros around her, but she chuckled.

"Why are you laughing? You're surrounded and don't have anyone to save you" Kim said

"Awww, you really think that?" Miss Trust laughed, "Cute"

Miss Trust held out her hand and suddenly, she disappeared right infront of everyone. Hawkmoth was beyond shocked.

'How did you do that?' he asked, a butterfly mask appearing on Mari's face who was now on the Eiffel Tower

"Sabrina. I gave her powers that you could never give her and now she can turn anything she wants invisible" Mari spoke with a smirk and then stopped Hawkmoth from talking to her

"Hey Gurl" Lady Wifi said

"Hey Gurl, what do you say we go find that Agreste boy?"

"And make him your man, let's"

Lady Wifi was about to start a live feed when Hawkmoth came up to them, like in person.

"Ohhhh look who decided to join in on the fun," Mari started and Alya started filming so all of Paris saw, "Look who's here everyone!!" Mari yelled into the camera

"Do not go after the Agreste boy" Hawkmoth said after blocking the camera

"Pfft, why not? Don't tell me you came to all this way to tell me that you care about someone" Mari sassed

"You are supposed to get me Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculouses, not go kiss a boy" Hawkmoth said

"Awww well you have legs and are here, so you go get them, I'm going after Adrien"

"Do it and I will make sure that you never get what you wanted" Hawkmoth said and Miss Trust stopped


'You love Adrien Agreste?' Hawkmoth asked

'More than myself' Mari responded with tears rolling down her cheeks

'I will have him fall in love with you, only if you give me Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous. You will have revenge on everyone who wronged you. Do you accept?'

'Yes Hawkmoth'

*Flashback Over*

Miss Trust growled, "Fine" she said and left with Lady Wifi, only be met with the heros and many of the citizens of Paris

"Now you can't escape us" Chat Noir said and nodded his head to the police and citizens surrounding them, holding Chloe, Sabrina, and all the Reflecta's

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