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*No one's POV*

The next day Marinette was stronger, and so was her attitude.

She walked into the classroom, early again. She wore....

"Dang that alarm clock sure works" Alya chuckled

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"Dang that alarm clock sure works" Alya chuckled

"Morning Mari" the boys said turning around

Mari faked a smile, "Morning" she said in a unusually sweet voice

"Are you okay Mari?" Adrien asked

"I'm fine blondey" Mari growled

The trio was shocked, especially Alya. She expected her besties to be a stuttering and blushing mess but no, this rude Mari came out and growled. Mari would do it to someone else (never) but she would definately never growl at Adrien.

"Whoa where that come from?" Alya asked shocked

"Nowhere, just not in the best mood. That stupid alarm woke me up last night and would not stop ringing. Sorry Adrien" Mari lied and put her head down, trying to keep her attitude to herself.

"It's fine. Are you're parents gonna get you a new one?" Adrien asked sweetly

"I don't know" Mari sighed

"Well then I might, I don't like seeing this side if you" Alya said

"Hey Mari?" a sweet and gentle voice asked

"What?" Mari groaned and lifted her head only to see sweet and innocent Rose

"Can you help me with the math homework?" she asked shyly

Mari was about to rudely respond but then she had an idea, "Uhh sure! It's in my locker though, come with me?" Mari asked sweetly

"Ok!" Rose said happily and followed Mari outside to the lockers

When they reached Mari's locker, Mari stopped and turned towards Rose knowing that this would be easy.

"Everything ok Mari?"

"I was just you trust me?" Mari asked sadly

"What? Y-yes of course!"

"Then can you tell me a secret?"

"Uhh sure!" Rose said trusting Mari with her whole heart, "I trust you not to tell but, I'm dating prince Ali" (I don't ship it)

Mari smirked as she Rose's trust for her get stronger, "Oh that's cute"


"Yeah I just thought he'd go for someone better"


"Yeah, I thought he'd go for a princess or someone that would stand up for herself instead of letting people walk over her"

"D-do I r-really do that?" Rose sniffled, her eyes filling up with tears

"Yes honey, you do. But I can help you" Mari said, not looking at Rose since her eyes were now black

"What is it?" Rose asked deperately

"Say Princess......" Mari paused and turned around

Rose's eyes went wide as she just realized that this was a trap. She went to run but she was one step behind......

"Fragrance!!" Mari continued and put a butterfly mask over her eyes. Rose screamed in pain as Mari explained the rules and screamed as well while falling to the ground.

"Act like you just were hit with something" Mari whispered to Rose and they both acted as if something just hit them

The class ran up to them after they heard the screams.

"Holy shit girls are you okay?!" Alya screamed and fell down next to the girls

"Something just flew past us, flipping us over" Mari groaned from the floor

"Do you think it's an akuma?" Juleka asked while pulling, her crush, Rose up (That's better)

"Maybe, I'm not sure. It could've been Hawkmoth?" Mari asked while standing up with Alya's help

"Hopefully not" Alya mumbled as they all walked back to class after Mari got out her math homework for Rose

Adrien was worried, he wanted to hide and transform but he didn't know if there was a real akuma. He had no clue so he just took the risk of not trasforming and Mari got lucky because of it..........

Adrien wouldn't figure out that it was something else than just an one akuma........

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