You Thought

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*No One's POV*

"You're surrounded Miss Trust" Chat Noir said with the police and citizens behind him and the heros

The citizens all came together to help take down Miss Trust....or that's what the heros were told.

Miss Trust chuckled, "That's not how it looks to me"

"What are you talking about?" Chat said as he walked forward, everyone moving in

"You thought you were smarter than me. Well have you ever once thought that maybe the citizens were akumatized too?" Miss Trust asked sweetly


Roger Cop was in disguise but that didn't mean he was supposed to wait.

Roger Cop went around the city, lying to people, mostly saying that they were in trouble with the law or something happened to their loved ones. They all believed him since he was a cop so he akumatized person after person. Every single person that he lied to, did the exact same thing that he did; they lied to people and akumatied every one they could and it continued like a chain reaction. All while Mari was working on her classmates, Paris's citizens were akumatizing each other. The ones who were never akumatized were turned into knights.

Mari was the worst akuma in history...because she had a plan

*Flashback Over*

Every one of the heros froze, not realizing that she had a point. But they still didn't want to believe her.

Until....there was movement behind them and huge shadows cast over everyone

They saw Miss Trust smirk, "I think it is you, who are surrounded" she said smugly as the heros slowly looked around them

Indeed they were surrounded, by every single akumatized person and more.....

The heros realized that Mari was smarter then they thought. She knew what she was doing, she knew how to work around it all and still be in the shadows......


Okay so my water is off right now and ya know, I just want to take a fricking shower man!! This plumber dude's got an attitude soooo he better hurry is ass up so he can go away.



Okay bye, Imma post another chapter later today bc this one short af....and this book is almost over

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