More Power

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*No one's POV*

Marinette walked into school wearing.....

She was early again and everyone still stared at her for it

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She was early again and everyone still stared at her for it.

"Ok what's happening? You're early again" Alya said while turning to her besties as she sat down

"Yeah dudette this isn't normal for you" Nino said as he turned around with Adrien

"Oh my mom got me a new alarm clock, it's slowly killing me but I think I'll destroy it soon. I can't stand it's terrible ringing; it doesn't stop until I should be out the door" Mari lied right through her teeth

"Wow your parents are evil" Nino said

All of them laughed but they didn't realize that Marinette was laughing at them, not with them. They all just believed her and made her more powerful, still without knowing it. Her eyes were also getting darker but no one looked at them long enough to notice them.

"Yeah they are" Mari chuckled

"Oh when I was editing something for my channel I realized that we haven't had an akuma in a couple days" Alya said

"Yeah it's weird, we usually have one everyday" Nino said with a confused expression

"Maybe Hawkmoth finally realized that he can't beat the best superhero's in all of Paris!!" Alya exclaimed

Oh you don't know how wrong you are........Lady Wifi. This is going to be the worst battle yet and it will be an army against one weak alley cat. You have no idea what's coming. Marinette thought, holding back a smirk that wanted to spread across her face so badly.

"Hopefully, we won't have to worry about being in danger everytime someone gets hurt, or I should say when Chloe is mean to someone" Nino said

How dumb are you? Marinette thought while laughing like a maniac in her head, These people are so stupid, I mean really? Hawkmoth wouldn't stop akumatizing people unless he found one person strong enough to complete the job.....and he did.....ME. You guys are gonna wish that Hawkmoth was still akumatizing people everyday because once I reveal myself, it's gonna be hell.

The class went silent as Miss. Bustier came through the door.


At lunch, Marinette excused herself saying that she had to go to the bathroom.

Marinette walked out of the cafe and walked down the halls, disabling every camera with her mind as she walked by. She could hear the buzz of them being disconnected as she walked through the halls to the principal's office.

She peeked inside and saw Mr. Damocles at his desk. She took a deep breath and her attitude completely changed. She burst through the door, scaring the guy and started lying.

"Mr. Damocles I just saw some boy go into the girls locker room!"

"What? Who?" he said angrily

"I don't know but I think he's writing something in there or trying to break into a locker. Come on maybe we can catch him!" Mari said and ushered the man out the door

They both hurried down the hall and into the girls locker room after she assured him that there weren't any girls in there. Mr. Damocles walked in and Mari smirked from behind him, quietly locking the door behind them.

"Come out boy! I know your in here!" he shouted with authority

Mari laughed evily, causing the the principal to spin around faster than ever. He froze when he saw that the blue part of her eyes were black. She put her hands together and then separated them, making 2 L's. In between them was a butterfly mask.

She walked towards him as he backed away in fear but it was too late

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She walked towards him as he backed away in fear but it was too late. She made the mask shoot forward, connecting with the principal's eyes. He screamed in agony since the energy from his body was being forcfully replaced by a new and evil energy.

"Welcome back Dark Owl......" Mari said the rules and he agreed

No one knew what just happened since they never heard the scream

But soon they would...........

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