Where Is She?

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*No one's POV*

Miss trust and LadyWifi were at the top of the Eiffel Tower watching the heros make their plan to get them. They both chuckled at how the plan was never gonna work.

You see, the heros didn't realize something.......-

"Mari please stop this isn't you!!" Chat Noir yelled as the heros went off in different directions. Alya went off to go find them.

"Ugh how many times do I have to tell you? My name is Miss Trust!!" Miss Trust screamed

"No it isn't, I know Marinette's still in there" Chat said pawsitively.............-_- (He's rubbing off on me!! Help!!)

"No she isn't, she's dead-" Miss Trust smirked, "Just like Ladybug"

Chat froze at the mention of her name. He just realized that his lady wasn't here yet.

"Y-you're lying" Chat stuttered, not wanting to believe any of it

"But it's true, I may have been lying to the others but I'm not lying about this" Miss Trust laughed

"No! I'm not believing you!!" Chat said

He didn't want to believe it cuz he thought it was a trick.........

"Ok whatever keeps your claws sharp but just know that Ladybug will not show up for this fight" Miss Trust smirked

"Yes she will, she never lets anyone down" Chat said confidently

"Ugh, you rely on her too much.........bye!" Miss Trust giggled as she jumped down the tower to go find Alya

Chat Noir had a bad feeling.........Miss Trust was right. He didn't want to believe her but he hasn't seen his lady since the beginning of the fight. Could ladybug really be dead? No...........she just isn't in the position to fight. Maybe her miraculous was taken? Or she got captured?

His mind was swirling with questions and each one got worse. The only one he came up with was that maybe ladybug was on a vacation? He didn't believe that one, knowing that she would never leave Paris without telling him.

With his mind still racing, he went off after Miss Trust

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