Chapter 2 - happy birthday

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I walk in the shower and as I step out, I see Lucas called me.

"Hello?" He says as I called him back. "Hey... I was in the shower... you called?" I ask,

"Hey, yes. it's Shawn's birthday today... I don't know if you Guys talked much since he went on tour... but it's his birthday, so I thought it will be nice, if you would call and say happy birthday" Lucas says.

I sigh, I know I should call him, and say happy birthday. But I just don't know for sure.

"Hello? B?" He asks after a few seconds Of silence.

"I'm here" I say. "So, would you call him? I know you are over at Liam's house... but whenever you have time, just go outside for a sec and call him, wish him a happy birthday. He will be thrilled." He says.

"Ok" I say. "Ok, love ya. Bye" Lucas hangs up.
And I sit on my bed, still with my towel on, no cloths.

Should I call him? It's not like we are best friends or whatever, so I really don't know if I should call him. After what happened, I have no idea what he feels about me anymore, maybe he hates me, maybe after what happed, he never wants to talk to me again?

Maybe I will call him later today.. I don't know.

I wonder what Liam thinks, I mean if he new....
It's interesting to think about how Liam would react if I told him I know Shawn, I mean, how do you tell that to a person?
That you know a celeb..... how do you go and tell them that? oh and that they are your ex.... sort of..

I guess I shouldn't tell Liam about him, at least not now.....

"Hey, I was thinking about..." Liam walks in. I'm still with the towel on, I was just about to take it off and get dressed.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry..." he says. That's it. He only says that. Like a robot.. Not waking out of the room. Not covering his eyes. He just stands there and  says: oh shit, I'm sorry. And continues to act normally. What a weirdo.

He slightly checks me out with his eyes, I feel a bit uncomfortable.

"What were you thinking?" I ask putting my phone down, Standing up and giving him my full attention.

"I was thinking..." he says getting closer to me. "That you could take a day off today from work.. and we can go somewhere tonight.." he says slowly trying to take my towel off.

"No." I say looking at him, he stops. "Why not?" He asks pulling me closer to him, hugging me and kissing me on the lips.

"Because, I cant just take a day off 30 minutes before my shift starts." I say. "But we will go Out tonight. Don't worry." I say "now get out I need to get dressed" I say turning around and taking my cloths.

"Can I watch?" He asks. Biting his lip. "No... come on" I giggle. "I need to get ready.. I can't do this when you are watching me.." I say pushing him out.

He walks out of the door and I close it afterwards, I put on some cloths and I walk out.

"I'll talk to you later, love you" I say hugging him giving him a kiss. "Bye.." He says. I start driving towards the café.

"Hello?" I answer the phone Brittney called me as I'm driving.

"You still like him aye?" She asks. "What?" What is that even supposed to mean?

"Mendes. You still have feelings for him" she says. "No I don't. I'm with Liam now, 4 months tomorrow..." I say.

"Liam texted me, he said you looked unhappy when he told you, you are going to his concert. He said you looked super thrilled about Paris, but not about the concert" she says.

"Well, first of all, it's weird. And thank you for suggesting him to take me to see him...." I say sarcastically.

"Your welcome" Brittney says. "Second of all, it's weird. I don't know if I want to go." I say.

"Wait, are you serious?" She sounds surprised.

"Yes.... why do you sound so surprised? I told you all about it"

"Well, let's start with that, that I wasn't completely sure if you told me the truth. The whole you and Shawn thing..... I don't know I thought you had a fight or whatever and you stopped talking to each other. but I didn't know you actually were together" she says.

"We were never actually together, but you know, we did..... do stuff. And we sort of dated.." I say.

"Do you still have feelings for him?" She asks.

"No." I say firmly. "I mean, as friends of course but not as, you know... something more" I add.

"Did you call him? to tell him happy birthday?" She asks.

I don't replay. I don't know how am I supposed to answer that question.

"So you do have feelings for him..." she says. "Brittney Stop it, I don't." I replay quickly. "Than why haven't you called him? If you really don't feel anything to him. You should have called him." She says.

"Fine. Just to prove you I feel nothing to him.... I'll call him now. Goodbye" I hang up and I call Shawn right away.

"Hello?" Shawn answers the phone. I immediately regret calling him. His voice.... I missed that. Although it did change a bit.

"Hi" I sigh... I- I don't know how to react. "What's up?" He asks. "I wanted to wish you a happy birthday" I say. I can't believe I actually called him. Last year Lucas wished him a happy birthday from both of us, Why was it any different this time?

"Thanks" He says. "I miss you" he adds. The moment I hear he says he missed me, tears are starting to fill my eyes. And I can barley see the road.

"I'm sorry I need to go" I say. "Happy birthday" I add before I hang up. "Wait-" He tried to say something but I already hung up. So I didn't really hear what he had to say.

It was so awkward to hear his voice, to talk to him, after everything that happened between us.... even to hear his voice does something to me,

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