Chapter Ten

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This chapter is dedicated to Alexis for always asking if I update, and her ultimate support. Love you!!


Louis' POV:

I feel horrible. Me and Harry were fucking all night. I woke up, and tried moving, but I had Harry hugging me tightly, his arms around my waist. I smiled and nuzzled my face in his neck. He stirred a bit, and I felt him kiss my head.

"Lou, you awake babe?" He whispered in his morning voice. "Mhmm." I answered back. "Let's stay like this yeah?" He mumbles.

I nod and I'm off to sleep again.

When I wake up again, Harry isn't next to me, and I'm in my boxers. There's a note next to me.

I went out to fetch us some breakfast, the neighbors complained about last night!! See you soon sleepy head. -Harry xx

I was expecting complaints, but who cares?

I sat up and stretched in the small space, my back cracking a bit. I sigh and slump back into the sleeping bag. A runaway vacation with Harry.

This time he really outdid himself. The whole female population is probably hating on my guts for having this kid. I wouldn't blame them.

I look in my bag of clothes and take a tank top out and some jeans. My vans are outside the tent, so when I put everything on, with much struggle by the way, I open up the tent and sit at the edge pulling on my shoes.

Its sunny today, and people are bustling around. Some smirk at me and walk by, while others wave. I grab my bag of stuff I'll need for the bathroom.

Where the fuck is Harry with breakfast?! I groan and walk back to the tent, where I see Harry standing there, smiling like a idiot.

"Hey babe." He giggles and hands me a bag of Mcdonalds. "Haz where did you get this?" I ask and take out a McSausage and sit on the grass.

"Well my love, I drove out to the city to get you some, aren't I the best?" He asks and pecks my lips.

"The best of the best Harry." I grin and take a bite of my sandwich.

He takes out his too and sits in front of me on the grass.

"People were saying we were too loud." Harry says suddenly.

I cough, and find myself choking on a piece of biscuit.

"O-Oh God." I continue to cough and he pats my back with a worried expression.

"Calm down Lou. I was just informing you babe." He smirks.

"Oh yes, what a way to inform me Harry." I say and roll my eyes. recovering.

We finish our breakfast and he picks me up.

"Put me down!!" I yell.

"Oh? Doesn't Princess like being carried?" He says and kisses my head.

I blush and nod. "Princess does, but not now- we're in public."

"Well I'll be, Louis Tomlinson is worried about PDA. Is the world ending?" He says dramatically.

"Shut the fuck up Harry." I blush and look away.

He just laughs and puts me down.

Harry's POV:

There were quite a few activites being done here today, and we just about did them all.

There was rock-climbing, swimming in the lake, in which I had to save Louis a few times, and pie contests, which Louis won 2nd place by default.

I was walking around with Louis, hand in hand, waving to people as we walked along. There was a nature trail up ahead, and Louis seemed interested.

"Haz!! Lets go on the trail."

"Louis what if we get lost?"

"Don't be such a pussy Styles. We're big boys."

"We'll probably end up having sex in the woods."

"You don't say that!! Gosh you're horrible Harry! And people think you're a saint."

I laugh and pull him into me, kissing his head. "Whatever Lou, lets get going, yeah? I don't want to get lost."

He snorts and leads the way, and I follow behind him.

There's alot of beautiful things to see on the trail, and we're just talking about endless things, when we hear a bell.

We turn around and see that people are getting their things quickly. So we run through the open field to our tent, we weren't so deep into the woods.

Louis and I grab our bags from the tent and before anything we take a selfie in front of it just incase.

We're driving back into the city now, and Louis fell asleep. I hum a bit, and keep my eyes on the road, but then my eyes fall on Louis' peaceful face and I forget that I'm driving.

Suddenly there's a crash. And Louis doesn't stir. No Louis isn't hurt at all.

It's me.

My head lunges forward and I hit myself with the stirring wheel.

My vision start to get blurry and I can feel blood running down my forehead.

Before everything blacks out, there's a small voice that I could easily mistaken with a angels'.

"Harry don't leave me."

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