Chapter Seventeen

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Harry's POV:

"What the fuck do you mean our break was cut short?" Zayn roars.

Ah yes, we're in a lovely meeting with Management. They called each of us to tell us some 'news' which never is good. "Mr. Malik, please refrain from profanity." Carmen, the spokesperson says.

Shut up Carmen.

"Whatever." He huffs. "Zayn." Liam whispers, holding his hand and giving it a squeeze. Zayn looks at Liam and smiles. Louis snickers but stops when Carmen clears her throat.

"As you may know, yes we have cut your break short because you lads are in high demand and there are plenty of offers out there for you, and we want you to play in places you've rarely been to. That is what we are trying to accomplish here." She says with a smile. 

"Excuse me." I speak up. "Yes, Mr. Styles?" She asks.

"I understand that we're in high demand and all, but we're physically and emotionally tired, if anything I think our break should be extended, Louis and Niall are sick, I have a bit of a cold, and so on. I know our fans will understand. They always understand, compared to you people." I say in a serious tone.

This is bullshit, we need rest if anyone wants us to play anywhere, We rarely sleep, having to wake up at 4 in the morning everyday, rehearsing and what not. Its exhausting work, even if it is my favorite thing to do.

The boys all nod in agreement. "I think Haz here is right." Lou says. I smile at him and he smiles back. "I'm sick out of me brain, and I hate it to be honest, and being on tour during that sucks, because I feel bad when the fans notice that. I don't want to let them down, so please, extend our break." Niall pleads.

Carmen looked at the chairman, Steve, and he looked at her, nodding.

"Fine boys, you'll have another month of break it is, but we better not regret this decision." Carmen sighed, and we all cheered.

A whole month free!

Louis' POV:

After that stupid meeting, we went back home, and decided to finally let the lads crash in at our flat. Me and Harry thought it wasn't right to keep secrets from them, so we here we are.

"Woah this is a nice place, mates." Liam chimes, an arm around Zayn. Zayn only nods, a smile on his face. And where is Niall? Where else of course, in the kitchen, eating our leftovers from dinner last night.

He literally heated some food up for himself, the fatass bastard. I chuckle and Harry tells them to feel at home, while he goes into the kitchen and finds Niall, shooing him out so he could make some snacks.

Snowball, in all her princess glory, mewled at the sight of guests, and hopped onto Zayn's lap, since they were on her favorite couch. She mewled again, causing Zayn and Liam to awe as she cuddled in between them. I smiled at my little princess, and walked to the kitchen, to find Harry in his pink apron.

"Babe, you look so cute in that apron." I say and tip-toe to kiss his cheek. He giggles and whispers a thank you, and goes back to making these cute snacks he usually does.

"Okaaaaay lads, we're off to the basement. I wanna play FIFA whether you like it or not. " I smirked. Liam, Zayn, and especially Niall, cheered and ran down the wrong pair of stairs, leading to the gym.

"Hey, hey, hey, come back!! That's the gym, you dimwits!!" I shouted, and I heard Harry bark a laugh. I smiled in his direction, and turned back around to escort the lads to the theatre.

When they walked in, I saw how their eyes grew wide and their jaws slacked. "T-This is literally an arcade, it's huge!" "Yeah, well, me and Harry decided on this and we got it done in a few days." I said as if it was nothing.

"Damn." Zayn said with a chuckle. "Damn is right." Liam laughed along. I rolled my eyes and went to start up the game. Zayn, Liam, and Niall plopped on the couches and I handed them each a control. Harry came into the room with a bunch of snacks, his hair was in a perfect bun.

I walked over and tip-toed to plant a kiss on his pouty lips. "Come join us, baby" I whispered. "Let me change at least, boobear." he huffed cutely. I had to smile at that. "Well hurry up then." I huffed back, trying to hide my smile.

He giggled and kissed my forehead, walking back upstairs. "You two are so cute." Niall said with a grin. " I'd say even cuter than me and Zaynie here." Liam chuckled with a wink. Zayn frowned at that. " They're cute, but we're hot Liam." Zayn smirked. Liam tackled Zayn and they started kissing.

Me and Niall looked at each other with raised eyebrows and smirks. When Harry came back, he saw this mess . "Whoa." He said, looking at me. I shrugged and went over to where he stood.

"All their making out has made me want to kiss you." I said with a chuckle. He laughed and kissed me roughly, wrapping his arms around my waist, a hand landing on my ass.

Our lips danced a sloppy one, and I felt ardenaline boil in my veins. Harry bit my bottom lip, making me open my mouth and letting his tongue in. I whimpered, and for a second forgot there were people.

"Well I think we know who the hotter couple is." Niall cleared is throat. " 100 points go to Larry!" He cheered. I cheered and kissed Harry again, shortly this time. Liam and Zayn groaned. " It's alright Li, we'll be the hotter couple tonight." Zayn winked. Us 3 grimaced at the thought, then burst out laughing.

I really enjoy being with these idiots. My 3 little brothers, and my lover.

A//N- Hiiiiya. I decided to update this story. Seeing that the last chapter didn't get alot of reads, I wasn't going to update at all. But I know some people like this story, here it is. Thank you for being patient with me. I finished this at school xD Love you all- Rachel .xx

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