Chapter Twelve

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Gif: Harry loves Louis so much, he must attack him even if Louis is just oblivious to what the fuck is happening. Carry on.

Harry's POV:

The doctors said I could leave in a few hours, and Louis has kept his word. The doctors let him stay those 2 days with me. He held my hand and smiled, making me feel better.

He was really helpful, although I have multiple tattoos, I sort of have a fear of needles. They had to take blood tests a few times, and Louis was always there to help. Occasionally the boys would spend time with us too, and we'd sing together.

"How ya feeling, love?" Louis' soft voice rang. I looked up to him and smiled. He did too and leaned over to kiss me. "I'm doing much better, thank you. Just a bit hungry."

He looked around and stood up. Gosh that ass. Even in my ill state it compelled me.

"Let's wait until you can leave, yeah? I'll take you somewhere fancy." "If you think Chipotle is fancy my dear sir, than you have another thing coming."

He starts giggling. "Hehehe. Coming." I get the joke. "Louis! You're gross!" I squeal incredulous. He laughs louder and puts his crotch close to my face. "Hold on Harry, I'm coming." He snorts and I just roll my eyes.

And I thought I was the one with the bad jokes.

"Why aren't you laughing, Harold? You know it was funny." He pouts. "Sure it was honey. Just try to actually make me laugh next time."

"Fuck you." "When?" I grin and he gives me a creeped out face. "Never you pedo." "You're older than me Louis." "Touché."

He leans down and kisses my forehead, then sits next to me on his chair. Suddenly a nurse walks in with one of those plastic smile you can easily see through.

"Mr. Styles, you're ready to go, just change into your original clothes and you can be on your way." She says and walks out.

"You heard the lady, get dressed, I'll be outside waiting for you ok?" Louis says with a smirk and kisses me again before leaving.

Louis' POV:

Harry is doing fine. He's alive and breathing. Something I never thought possible with the state he was in. He walks out his room with the clothes he had on during the accident, but they're cleaner and less bloody.

I make my way over to him and he grabs my hand with a smile, walking us both to the exit. The lads are waiting downstairs when we arrive and give us cheerful smiles.

"Well lads. This calls for a celebration." Niall pipes in. "I couldn't have said it any better Nialler." Liam says, fist-pumping him. Zayn carefully hugs Harry. "Glad you're doing fine mate, ya think we could go out for some drinks?" Really Zayn?

"Yes Zayn, because my boyfriend is in perfect condition to go clubbing. What type of question is that?" I say scolding him. The other lads laugh, and I hear Harry let out a chuckle. "We'll just stay indoors for this activity. Lazy night if you may. Pizza and movies. Sounds good?" Harry suggests.

Thats my boyfriend, always making everyone happy before himself.

 We jump into a van we rented and we're off to the hotel again. We all decide on meeting in Niall's room since it was his plan to celebrate. We go to our seperate room however, to change out of our clothes and into casual attire.

I jump on our queen sized bed and flop on my stomach. "Harreeeeeeh." I groan and he giggles. "Shut up Lou, and change, we have to go remember?" He says as he takes off his shirt and puts on a plain white T-shirt. I look in my suitcase and fetch my favorite pjs. 

"Ready?" "Ready when you are sexy." He says wiggling his eyebrows and whistling." I laugh and feel my face getting hot. "Gosh I love you so much Harry." I say as we approach the door to leave.

"I love you so much more Louis." He says and kisses me softly. 

"Love cures people, both the ones who give it and the ones that recieve it." 

Gosh, is that right.

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