Chapter Eleven

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Louis' POV:


This can't be happening.

My boyfriend is bleeding and unconcious.

We just got in a car accident.


I panic and call the ambulance.

"Pl-Please save my boyfriend." I cry into the phone.

I get out the car and run to Harry's side. I look back and see the driver that crashed into him. Anger and rage boils inside me and I walked right up to the fool.


"I-I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?" He says with a tone of honesty and concern. I feel bad for yelling at the kid, and calm down. "I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just so worried and paranoid." "No problem, I'd do the same for my girlfriend."

The ambulence sirens can be heard in the distance and I run back to Harry, seeing his body limp even more. Please be ok.

"Baby. No." I cry harder and try to pull him out so the ambulence can take him with more ease. The guy runs over and tries to help me as well. Harry isn't a feather, gosh he's heavy.

The ambulence pulls up next to us, and before I knew it, two workers were carrying him away in a stretcher. I followed behind, he looks so pale, and he's stopped bleeding.

"Are you related to this sir in any way?" One of the workers ask.

"Y-Yes I am, may I please come along?" I answer.

The guy that crashed into us pats my shoulder and looks down.

"Please take my number, so i could see if he's fine. I'm so sorry this happened."

He's a really sweet guy. Regular people wouldn't have given a shit.

I give him my number, and he tells me his name is Timothy. 'Well Tim, I'll be calling you soon."

He sighs of relief and I hop in the back of the ambulence with Harry..

God please let him be ok.

We're rushing to the nearest hospital, I was holding Harry's cold hand, that was usually so full of warmth and comfort. The workers are doing their best to keep him breathing alright, and for now its working. I pray to God that he's doing fine and that his injuries are minor.

The boys were already called and now I'm in the waiting room of the hospital they brought us to. One by one they file in and sit with me, worried looks on all of them. "Don't worry Lou, he'll be fine." Niall smiles weakly, hugging me. I cry into his arms.

What if I never did get my Harry back? 

Harry's POV:

Ow, ow, ow, ow. My head hurts. Everything is pitch black. Until I hear sobs. Little sobs that I recognized only because I was the one that comforted them. I hear hiccups too, that I also recognize right away.


I try to open my eyes, but the pain is so unbearable, I do what I can to get Louis and whoever else may be with him to acknowledge me.

"L-Louis." My voice sounds hoarse from probabaly not using it for so long. I try again to open my eyes and succeed, the brightness of the room hitting me. I feel something fall on my chest, and as I look down, I see ruffled brown hair. Louis is on me, crying, and saying, "Harry you're ok." repeatedly. 

I'm just glad he's safe. He raises his head, and I smile the best I can. He smiles through his tears and kisses my chest. "Baby you're ok." He whispers and I instantly start crying. The fear of never opening my eyes and seeing Louis tormented me at that moment. 

What if I never saw those beautiful blue eyes again? What would become of me? It felt like I just couldn't function without them. He lifts himself up a bit more, until I'm clinging onto him and crying on his shoulder

. "L-Louis y-you're o-ok." I say, struggling to talk. "Shhhh. Don't say anything Harry. You'll hurt yourself." I cry harder and it's more of relief than sadness.

I hear other voices in the room, one I recognize is my mother. Certainly she couldn't have come from England just to see me. I open my eyes again, and push Louis a bit so I can sit up. He gets the point and helps me sit up.

"M-Mum?" "Harry!!" She runs over and hugs me, tears falling onto my hospital robe.

"You're ok, Thank God you're ok baby." She cries and pets my hair. I hug her and hear sniffling next to me. Louis is joined by the other boys, and I look at them and smile. "N-Nice t-to s-see y-you l-lads." I say, my voice cracking. They smile and nod. "Glad to have you back mate."

I close my eyes and thank God myself that I'm still alive, and surrounded by the people I care most about.

The doctor comes in and sees the scene, smiling. "Mr.Styles, you'll be out of here in two days. We just have to do some tests and a Kat-Scan, then you'll be set." I smile as wide as I can to hear the news, and I didn't feel when my mother left my side, she just wasn't hugging me, just sitting on the bed.

I look to Louis and he smiles, then clears his throat. "If I could have a moment with the fine lad, please." He says. Everyone chuckles and exit out the room, my mom giving my hand a squeeze before leaving also.

The door closes, and Louis runs to me, hugging me and kissing my face all over. "L-Lou." I giggle. "Ew, don't giggle, you sound like a old pedophile Haz." He smiles and kisses my lips. My lips were probabaly chapped and dry, but Louis didn't complain, he kept kissing me.

At one point I had to tap him so he would stop. I couldn't breathe."Sorry. I got carried away." He blushes. "I-Its ok Lou. I love you t-too." "I love you so much you tall, handsome,cheesy dork." He laughs and kisses me again, this time a simple one.

"I wanna go home." I pout and he smiles, pushing my hair back and kissing my forehead. "We'll be out of here in two days. I'll be here with you." He whispers.

He runs his hand through my hair, just how I like it, and I find myself falling asleep to the thought of Louis.

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