24 The Truth Untold

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This chapter is solely on Hoseok's POV.

I will let you see the reason behind his grudge over Jungkook and Taehyung.

I love Hobi. He's a real sunshine. However, even a sunshine can be hidden by dark clouds. 😈




Hoseok's POV

School is boring. Being forced to study Business Management is even more boring. I had to take this fucked up course because of my good for nothing father who wants me to inherit our family business.

I hate my life. All I want is to express myself through dancing which I can't do because my father threatened to disown me if he caught me doing the things he considered useless.

To show that I'm against his ways, I never attended my classes. I always skip my classes and stay in the gym. If I fail to graduate, my father will surely have no choice but to stop forcing me to run his business. He'll think that I have a brain equal to a bird and look for someone else worthy to be the CEO of his company.

I'm so fucked up. If not for my friends who always manage to make me smile, I would have already committed suicide. They are the only people whom I feel loved and appreciated.

As I was resting on one of the benches in the school gym, I suddenly thought of Jimin.

Maybe I should call him so we can hang out together.

I dialed his number and he quickly answered.

"Hey Chim!" I said beaming.

"Hey Hobi! Where are you? You're skipping class again." Jimin said annoyed.

"You know me Chim. I hate the subjects. Anyway, come here and hang out with me." I mumbled.

"Sorry Hobi. I'm with Kook right now. We're going to eat our lunch outside." He stated.

I was quiet for a moment.

"Nah. Fine. I'll just ask the others." I tried hiding my disappointment.

"Okay. I'll hang out with you some other time. Bye Hobi." Jimin ended the call.

I sighed as I feel the familiar pang on my chest. Don't get the wrong idea. I don't have any romantic feeling towards Jimin. I feel disapointed because Jimin was my best friend. Yes, "was my best friend". Past tense. Before Jungkook came and joined our circle of friends, I was Jimin's best friend.

We always hang out together and he practically knows everything about me. We are like brothers. However, everything changed when Jungkook appeared in our lives. I noticed that they are always together. He replaced me as Jimin's best friend.

At first I was really angry with Jungkook, but later on, I came to accept that he's now Jimin's best friend.

I sighed for the nth time and stretched my body before going out of the gym. I'll just enjoy myself alone.

As I was making my way to the field, I felt strong hands on my arm. I turned around only to be met by a strong slap.

"You good for nothing child! How long have you been ditching your classes you fool?!" My father slapped me again with an intensity that made me fall on the ground. I tasted blood when I licked my lips.


"What are you even doing here?" I said smirking. "Did someone tell you that I'm not attending my classes? Is that why you're here?" I spat on the ground looking disgusted.

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