28 Goodbye

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Author's POV

In his entire life, Jungkook has never thought that he will hate waking up as much as he did now. He wished he stayed in his dreams because it's better than reality.

The reality that Tae is no longer by his side.

He woke up alone in his room with a note on the bedside table, obviously written by his lover. With trembling hands and his heart lumping his throat, Jungkook opened the letter.

He began reading what seems to be the most heartbreaking message he has ever received.

My Kookie,

By the time you read this letter, I may no longer be by your side. Don't cry please Kookie. I'm fine.... I will be fine. I hope you do to.

I never feared being alone. I know I can manage on my own because that's how I've lived half of my life. I don't care if people just come and go, if some stayed, then I'm lucky. That's the kind of mentality I have.

But that was before you came.

I'm afraid Kookie.... so afraid to live every single day without you. I feared that when I blink even just for a second, you'll disappear in my life. If only I can cage you from the world so that I can have you only for my own... God! I'll bargain everything just to get you here by my side.

I want to be selfish even just for once!

But I can't.

Loving you taught me how to care less for myself, so I can give you more. Loving you made me think less of myself, so I can think more about you. Loving you gave me the strength to let go, so you can have the future you deserve.

Loving you means loving myself.

Jungkook felt his tears flow down like a river. He clutched his chest as he feels breathless. He continued reading the letter knowing that his heart will be shred into pieces even more.

This is not our final goodbye.

Hell no!

I will fight all the Gods in heaven if I have to just so I can go back to you.

I'll be back Kookie. You won't even notice that I'm gone because I'll be back soon. While I'm away, please achieve everything you want for yourself. I want you to fulfill your dreams, without me being a nuisance to you. I can't let you sacrifice your future for my sake.

Let's prove the world that our love is not wrong.

I'll be back before the first snow falls. I promise.

This is not the end of our love story. This is just the beginning.

I love you.

Forever your Tae.

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