26 Embrace

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Author's POV

Jungkook leaned on a wall. His knees are wobbling and his breath is hitching. He needs time to process everything.

Clutching his chest, he lets himself cry his heart out. The pain he's feeling suffocates him, drowning him as the wave of emotions surge.

He slumped on the floor without minding the stares and whispers that he got from the students passing by the hallway.

After a long time and his nerves have finally calm down, Jungkook decided to go back to Tae in the dean's office. He needs him.


Jungkook dragged himself inside his room. He feels so tired and lifeless.

He checked his phone for the nth time but still, no text or call from Tae. Jungkook sighed, tears are forming in his lifeless eyes.

When he went back to the dean's office, Tae is no longer there. He searched the school premises to find him, however, he didn't see even his shadow.

Jungkook had been calling Tae but his phone is out of coverage. This is driving Jungkook crazy. A lot of things that he doesn't want to acknowledge start forming in his mind.

What if something bad happened to him? What if he did something bad to himself because of what happened? What if..........

..... he left him?

Jungkook brushed off the idea. He can't live without Tae. He already lost a lot of people in his life. He can't take it anymore if Tae will leave him too.

Losing Tae means losing his life.

Jungkook curled on his bed. He can still smell the scent of Taehyung in his pillows and bed sheet which made him a little at ease.

Please Tae. Don't leave me.

These thoughts were in his mind as he drifted to sleep with tears wetting his face.


The sun is shining bright when Jungkook woke up. Feeling something heavy, he slowly opened his eyes.

He blinked a couple of times just to make sure that he's not dreaming. Hovering on top of him is the man who made Jungkook crazy to death.

Jungkook caressed Tae's sleeping face.

"You little vixen. How can you sleep so peacefully after making me worry." Jungkook whispered, his face holds love and affection.

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, meeting the younger's gaze. He smiled, showing his boxy smile that can make everyone's heart melt.

"Good morning Kookie." Tae greeted, rubbing his eyes. He looks like a puppy with those doe eyes.

"Don't smile at me Kim Taehyung." Jungkook warned. He has to scold the older for making him lose his mind yesterday.

"Where have you been all night? Don't you have your phone? I've been fucking calling you for God knows how many times but you didn't answer! God Tae! You don't know how much I worried about you. What if something bad happened to you. You should've---------" Jungkook was silenced by Tae's soft lips.

Jungkook groaned over the kiss. He's mad but he can't help himself from responding.

Eyes closed, the two kissed passionately, the kind of kiss that holds love not lust. They let themselves be engulf by their unspoken emotions.

Tae broke off from the kiss. He smiled sweetly as he caressed Jungkook's face.

"I'm sorry Kookie if I made you worry. I just needed time on my own." Tae explained, showering sweet kisses on Jungkook's lips, cheeks, and all over his face.

Jungkook embraced him in return.

"Don't you dare leave me like that." Jungkook nuzzled on his head, inhaling the sweet scent of his lover.

Tae nods as he buries his head on Jungkook's chest, loving the warmth coming from it. The two stayed like that for a while when Tae speaks.

"Kookie... I have a request." He mumbled.


"Please, make love to me."

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