31 Finale

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Jungkook's POV

The event was successful. I got a lot of perfect shots that were included in the magazine. Mr. Choi congratulated me and asked me to meet him for another offer.

I hurriedly went to BTS Publishing House after receiving his message.

"Mr. Jeon." Mr. Choi called out as he entered the building.

"Sir! Sorry I'm a bit late. I was caught up in traffic." I apologized, huffing some air to normalize my breathing.

"It's okay Jungkook. Let's go, the CEO wants to talk to you." Mr. Choi leads the way to the CEO's office.

The interior shows sophistication and class. There are paintings on the wall that shows uniqueness.

I waited patiently, scanning the room, when a tall man in suit came.

"Mr. Jeon right?" He greeted.

"Yes Sir." I accepted his hand.

"I'm Park Hae Jin, CEO of BTS Publishing House." The man smiled.

Mr. Park motioned me to sit, so we can start the conversation going.

"I won't take much of your time Mr. Jeon, I'll tell you straight to the point." Mr. Park said and continued, "I'm offering you to be the official photographer of our company in U.S. You can create a team of your own, and that won't be a problem."

I was silent for a while. This kind of offer doesn't come often. It's a one time opportunity for a still nameless photographer like me to be a part of such a huge company. I'll be a fool if I'll say no.

"I'm sorry Mr. Park, but I think I'll decline the offer."

Yes. I'm a fool.

Mr. Park looked at me with confusion written all over his face. This is not the answer that he expects from me.

"May I ask why?" Mr. Park inquired.

"I'm really honored that you chose me, however, I can't leave this place...... there's someone I'm still waiting for to return." I said smiling apologetically.

Mr. Park was silent for a moment as if trying to understand my reason. His lips curled into a smile.

"That's an unexpected response from you. Okay. I won't force you but I'm not giving up on you." Mr. Park uttered with finality.

"You're talented Jungkook. I don't want to waste someone like you." He paused for a while and said "Sometimes waiting for someone doesn't guarantee that they'll come back. Sooner or later, you're waiting game has to end." He stated, trying to knock some sense out of me.

I forced a smile, acting as if his words did not affect me.

"Thank you sir. I'll put that in mind." I said as I bid my goodbye.

Before I reached the door, Mr. Park called out.

"Mr. Jeon, the offer still stands. I'll wait until you change your mind."

I looked back and bowed before taking my leave.


Walking home has never been this hard.

A lot of things are running in my mind. Mr. Park's words hit me like a knife.

What if Tae never comes back? What if he found someone else, leaving me here all alone, waiting for nothing.

I heaved a sigh. The image of Taehyung smiling brightly at me slowly fades in my mind.

I have waited Tae....... with all the hopes that's left of me..


should I really move forward without you?

I shake off the idea.


I won't stop waiting. I have waited for four years and I still can wait for many years to come. After Tae left me, I did not move out of my condo, thinking that when he comes back, he'll know where to find me. I didn't even change my passcode, so he can enter anytime he wants. Aside from me, Tae is the only person who knows the code to my condo.

I won't stop. Never.

My mood was lifted a bit. I fasten my pace so I can go home and probably rest the whole day.


Feeling exhausted, I punched in my passcode and opened the door of my condo.

With tired shoulders, I slowly removed my shoes and jacket.

I placed my shoes on the rack when I saw a pair of shoes that are certainly not mine.

I stiffened as waves of emotion engulf me.

Am I dreaming?

Tears started falling down my eyes as realization hits me hard. I covered my mouth to control my sobs from escaping.

Four years...... Four fucking years....

I waited.. and waited... and now..


My baby is back.

He's back... and I'm going to make sure he's back for good.

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Thank you so much for reading!

I love you all 💜

Professor Kim and student Jeon is now signing off.

Here's my gift to you. A wild Kookie.

 A wild Kookie

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P.S. This has special chapters. Just continue scrolling 🤣💜

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