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The head of the defences smiles as he closes the door behind him, slowly walking over to take a seat on Taeyong's bed. He raises his gaze to meet the newcomer's.

"Jaehyun, welcome" He greets happily. "You've obviously seen me on the news before."

"I don't think there is anyone who hasn't seen you before" Jaehyun mutter bitterly.

The older awkwardly scratches the back of his head as he chuckles softly. He folds his left leg over the right as he tries to make himself comfortable.

"Why are you here?" The light brown haired asks in a soft voice. He has no patience to deal with anyone at the moment. He wants to be with Hye. His sister needs him...And he needs her.

"I'm here because it is my duty to personally welcome the children as they join this facility." The dark haired male smiles a smile which Jaehyun can easily read as a fake emotion.

"You don't have to lie to me" He states, his tone more firm this time.

"You're a smart one aren't you?" Doyoung's gaze is filled with wonder and curiosity as though he were a scientist who was looking at a new bacteria which he has discovered.

Jaehyun doesn't respond.

"You are 19 years of age which means you are no longer a minor" Doyoung continues. "Once you are over 18 years of age, the Sorcerer sends you to be trained. You will join training a year late but that's okay. You're smart, you'll catch up."

"I'm not going to help you bastards to tear families apart" The younger scowls as his holds the older's gaze for a few moments to get his point across.

"Jaehyun, listen to me" The dark haired male gets off Taeyong's bed and slowly makes his way to take a seat on the end of the younger's bed.

"It is clear to me that you don't understand our cause. You don't see the vision like we do."

"If you're about to explain it to me then you should stop before even starting, it would just be a waste of breath" Jaehyun speaks harshly.

Doyoung pauses for a moment but he continues anyway.
"You've seen the creatures which roam the streets, reading to prey on anyone they can get their claws onto. No one can be safe or happy due to the fact they are constantly looking over their shoulders. We want to train you fight them, with an end goal that one day you will make them extinct and make this world our home again."

"And how many of us will die in this process?" Jaehyun glares at the older, tilting his head to the side, his voice not wavering even once.

"No one will die. They will be sacrificed. It will all be for a great cause" The dark haired argues.

"There is no such thing as dying for a good cause. Death is still death. The parents won't feel any less pain just cause they learn they lost their son to an 'honourable' cause" The younger retorts.

"Luckily for us there will be no parents to mourn their children" Doyoung's suddenly becomes hardly a whisper. "My fiancé deals with that issue."

This catches Jaehyun's attention. The younger slowly raises his eyes to look at Doyoung's just as the dark haired lowers his gaze to the floor.

"Y-Your fiancé kills the families...What you say on the TV about families being left unharmed is a lie."

"At first they weren't touched" Doyoung explains weakly. "But then his parents were killed by an angry father. He wanted my dear fiancé to feel the same pain which he did. So he went to his parents house and slit their throats. Taeil discovered them 2 days later. His father was still seated in his chair, the newspaper in his lap. His mother in the kitchen, the vegetables had all been prepared."

The name stands out to Jaehyun, in fact it shocks him. There's no way the man before him is engaged to that crazy bastard.

"Something in Taeil snapped that night. The very next day he collected two young girls from their elderly parents. He shot them both, even injuring one of the girls. Ever since then he's just killed all the parents in cold blood."

"And you let this happen?!" Jaehyun begins to raise his voice. Yes what happened to Taeil is awful but how can Doyoung allow him to continue to act this way.

Doyoung's lips slowly curve up into a smile as his eyes meet with the younger's.

"Maybe I'm insane. But I'm in love. It's all for the cause of making earth home again."

"Earth can't possibly be a home if there is no one left to inhabit it!" Jaehyun yells.

The dark haired male's expression suddenly turns to one filled with an expression which scares the younger.

"Tomorrow at 6 o'clock in the morning, I expect to see you at the hall with Taeyong and all the other soldiers. I've nothing more to say to you" Doyoung states sourly before standing up once more.

He swiftly leaves the room, slamming the door closed behind him.


"He is very different to the others" Taeyong frowns as he slowly stirs his drink with his straw, over and over again.

"I want to meet him" His light haired friend exclaims. He notices the older's frown causing him to mirror the same expression.

"Is this not a good thing?"

Taeyong stops playing with his drink and makes eye contact with the older who is seated beside him.

"It's just, he told me that I had no idea how it felt to lose control over a sibling. He has a younger sister, she's 12."

"Did you tell him about your brother? About Jisung?" The light haired asks, his tone filled with concern.

"No, I was too angry at the time. I just left saying I needed to get some food. Yuta, he's 19. He'll be training with us" Taeyong whines.

Yuta smirks at this as he takes a long sip from his own drink.
"So I shall be meeting this mysterious man soon."

"Not if I have anything to do with it" Taeyong punches his friends shoulder.

"Lee Taeyong, Johnny Seo, Nakamoto Yuta and Dong Sicheng" Taeil calls their names cheerfully from the entrance to the room. "We have a 10 year old boy along with a 17 year old and 14 year old sisters to pick up. Get together what you need. The van leaves in 10."

The crazed leader turns on his heel, exiting the room once more.

"Looks like we have a job to do" Yuta sighs, skulking the rest of his drink before pushing himself onto his feet.

Taeyong does the same with his drink before following his friend out of the cafeteria.

A/N - any theories on Jisung? also thoughts on what happened to make Taeil so crazy? haha

thanks for reading!!

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