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Taeyong kept his gaze on his hands as he fiddled with his thumbs, seated in the van with Yuta beside him

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Taeyong kept his gaze on his hands as he fiddled with his thumbs, seated in the van with Yuta beside him. Sicheng next to him and Johnny in the row before them all. Taeil was in his usual position in the passenger seat.

"Lets go over the plan for this collection" Johnny suggests as he suddenly speaks up, breaking the silence on the vehicle.

"Taeil will knock on the door as per usual, then Johnny shall take care of the boy. He's good with the young ones" Yuta speaks firmly.

"Then Taeyong and I will deal with the girls whilst Taeil—" Sicheng is interrupted as Taeyong opens his mouth to speak.

"Whilst Taeil kills the parents."

A dead silence fills the space as everyone looks to the front where Taeil pops open a small container which is filled with gum. Throwing a piece into his mouth he turns around to face everyone else.

"Gum? Anyone?" He offers.

Taeyong keeps his gaze on his hands whilst Johnny goes to take a piece. Once he has finished, the eldest closes the container before throwing it at Taeyong's head.

The silver haired male barely flinches as it comes into contact with his left temple. He allows the container to fall to the ground as he finally meets the older's gaze.

"I cant help it dearest Taeyong if the parents don't cooperate" Taeil states simply, a grin spreading across his features. "We must prevent these parents from coming for your family...Oh wait, I already beat them to it."

Taeyong unclips his seatbelt before he lunges forward, pulling the dagger from his waistband. Yuta goes to grab him but misses as the blade finds itself placed against the eldest's throat.

Taeil chuckles at the sudden action, not even a hint of fear on his face.

"My father should've slit your throat as well. He must be rolling in his grave with great regret, wishing he did his job properly" Taeyong snarls in his ear.

"His grave? The one I put him in?" The smile doesn't begin to fade, not even in the slightest.

"I could kill you" The silver haired threatens, pressing down on the blade so it begins to pierce the skin.

"But you won't" Taeil shrugs as Johnny disarms Taeyong in one swift movement, pulling the angered male back into the rear of the van.

Taeyong doesn't say anything as he just takes his seat once more beside Yuta.

Before long, they arrive at the destination. No doubt the children are cowering in their rooms or trying to hide.

Once everyone has exited the van, they all trail behind Taeil who wanders up to the front door of the house. Pulling the gun from his waistband, he shares a final grin to the others before knocking three times.

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