Three days later

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Three days later I was getting discharged from the hospital. My back hurt and so did the rest of my body. Tony was super sweet to me.  Mike also came to the hospital when I got discharged.

Tony found me a nice hotel I could stay at considering the bus was cramped,  and he said he didn't want me near Vic or Jaime; although Jaime apologized.  We got to the fourth floor and walked to the hotel door.  When we opened the door I set my bags down, Mike offered to carry them but I instead that I did.

I sat on the bed and Tony sat next to me with the cutest smile on his face.  "I'm gonna leave you two to have some alone time if you get what I mean, later." Mike left the hotel leaving me and Tony. 

"Thanks for looking after me Tone, I really appreciate it." He kissed me so softly. "Thanks you for being a part of my life."  He kissed me softly and I kissed him back. 

We sat back and enjoyed each other's company. I heard Tony's stomach grumble "Are you hungry?" I asked him rolling over and resting on his chest. He nodded his head and made the cutest smile. "Come on." I flipped over, grabbed his hand, and we went out for food.

We stopped to get more pizza. Yes, more pizza. "How've you been feeling, slightly better?" I nodded my head.  "My body hurts a lot less than it did before." I said biting into my pizza. Tony's protectiveness was really fucking cute.

After we had our pizza we went back to the hotel.  This hotel supplied us with actual cable,  which was a blessing.  I wasn't a huge television watcher, but this accident turned me into one.  Star Wars was on and I put it on for Tony. I'll admit maybe it was rubbing off on me too.

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