Chapter 1 - A Shift In Time

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Savitar, Killer Frost, The flash, Vibe, Garrick, Gypsy and Wally all stood on the very ground where it's all determined. "Go!"Frost told Savitar as she blasted Vibe and Gypsy with her icicles. Savitar and all other speedsters ran into the forest, using their enhanced senses and speed to navigate through the wooded area. Savitar leaped foward and slashed at the two trees in front of him, attempting to throw them all off which didn't seem to work in his favor. He had enough games and propelled himself into the air, blasting the ground below him with his lightning causing a miraculous blinding light and force that sent them all flying into the woods. He smirked beneath his cold and pale exterior suit and ran back towards the others who were still fighting Frost until Vibe knocked her down, going in for the final blow "Go on Cisco go bad!" She exclaimed with such venom escaping her lips "no...I never will, but I will give you a wanna be Caitlin again, now's your chance" he told her bluntly, taking our a cure for her and throwing it towards her, walking back to Gypsy. "Look out!" Gypsy shouted as Savitar ran in at full speed knocking both down and holding Cisco by the throat "you'll pay for what you did...and you can die the same way twice!" Savitar threatened as he pulled back his arm releasing his blade...but suddenly got frozen by Frost, who was now helping Cisco up "I knew you didn't have it in you Caitlin..." Then the Flash came running out of the forest but Savitar knew this and body slammed him to the floor "I only have a few minutes left, I can feel it...but before I go I'm gonna kill Joe and Wally and Iris...if I'm going to die then everything you love is going to die too!" Savitar yelled, walking away from him. Flash screamed "NO!" And ran towards Savitar phasing through his armor throwing him out, changing the suit colours to a bright vibrant red from its cold and pale blue. "How's it feel to get so close to your accenssion and end up on the ground" Barry exclaimed "now i's written" "nothings written" Barry cut him off. Savitar went in to go and attack him, being tired from his super speed, he got knocked down as Barry slid out the gaunlet blade and pulled back on his arm "Do it! kill me you become me, either way...I live!" Savitar urged him, grinning more and more. Barry shaking, pulled back the blade and vibrated his body, tearing the armor into hundreds of pieces "I'll never let the pain or darkness determine who I am...I'll never be you" Barry explained as he speed punched Savitar, knocking him down. Barry, with a victorious smile on his face, walking back to his friends reunited once again, unaware that Savitar leaped foward onto his feet and ran towards Barry preparing a speed punch, Barry heard his yell and immediately turned, running towards Savitar and throwing his strongest speed punch to date, then they clashed their fists together...unbeknownst to them that they both caused a drastic shift in time and the entire universe. They both flew back off each other and onto the grassy floor, Savitar slowly opened his eyes noticing the feeling he was feeling a few minutes ago was now gone, he felt as if he was whole, with no paradox. He then looked up to see team flash staring at him as they went by Barry's side...even Caitlin, he yelled out in anguish and agitation as he sped off with his blade gaunlets, leaving remnants of sparks from his lightning as if it was uncontrolled and not contained. Team Flash knew something was wrong now.

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