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This is my first book and it's bad so go read Jealous or Anastasia bc they're way better than this one;)


*beep* *beep* *beep* I woke up to my alarm clock and got out of bed. I walked over to my closet and picked out about a dozen outfits before finding a red floral tube top and black jeans.
I curled my hair then I put a black beanie on to cover my greasy hairline.
I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs to have breakfast. My mom made pancakes with strawberries and whip cream.
"What's this all about? You've never made me breakfast." I said picking up a handful of berries
"Jeez Anns. Anyways, I don't have work today." She explained smiling. My mom is a movie director so I never see her and my dad...well he died two years ago in a plane crash.
"Great." I said as I sat down.
Hayley ran down the stairs very excited about the smell of pancakes. She started eating as soon as she sat down.
"I'm gonna go early today. Kenzie and I are getting dunkin donuts." I told my mom. She hugged me and started making plans with Hayley to skip school and go to the mall. Hayley has always been the favorite since my dad died. I just hang out with my friends anyway and my boyfriend Hayden. Well ex boyfriend.
*flash back*
I walked down the hall with Kenzie and Jayden to leave school. I saw Hayden and ran up to him calling his name. He turned the corner and I lost him. I tried to find him but got stopped by rustling in a closet. I got my phone out and opened the door recording. I opened it up to Hayden making out with my best friend Dylan.
My heart sunk.
I stopped recording and ran away crying.
I could hear him calling my name but I just kept running.
I walked out the door and waited for Kenzie. moments later she picked me up and we drove to dunkin donuts.
"My mom isn't working today." I started. " I think she's going to the mall with Hayley."
"Why didn't you go."
"She doesn't care. She's never cared about me."
"We can skip." Kenzie offered.
"Nah. I have things to do."
We got out of the car and walked into dunkin.
There was only five people there. Jayden, Bella, Addison, an old lady and some guy from my school Asher who of course was reading. Kenzie rolled her eyes and threw a ball of napkin at him. He jerked his head up and threw it in the trash trying to impress us.
"That wasn't nice, Kenz" I said
"I don't care he's such a loser." I looked at him almost feeling bad. "Are you actually defending him?"
"No, you're right. He is a loser." I assented.
We sat down with Bella and Addison.
"Guys look what Ashton got me." Kenzie pulled out a gold heir look ring. "It's a promise ring."
I admired the ring, observing the gorgeous shine in it.
"You jealous Annie?" Jayden joked
I laughed. "Yeah I could never get a guy to get me this."
"Any guy would date you annie." Bella assured me.
"No I want a real guy. Someone who will buy me rings, give me nicknames and make jokes with me." I dreamed. Bella gave me a weird look like I was crazy. "Stop" I joked.
Then, we left and drove to school.

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