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Jeev smiled as he saw Clement run around with the children. He can see the man running around with their kids in future. Yes, their kids. He was dreaming of a future now and Jeev was wary too.

Clement saw him looking and raised an eyebrow. Jeev shook his head and smiled at him.
Clement washed himself up and jumped on the bed Jeev was reading in. Jeev looked at him.

"Tell me what were you thinking when we were playing in the yard," said Clement wiggling his way upto the bed and finally resting it on Jeev's lap.

Jeev blushed.

"Now you will definitely have to tell me. What has my ice Prince blushing," asked Clement.

"You know this is the point where you are supposed to shout at me, break up and leave when I am thinking of our future only to go fuck an ex fuck buddy/ girlfriend and then get caught in magic, thankfully not getting her pregnant , proposes wedding to her and then leaves her at the altar for me only for her to reveal her magic and then fuck me and put a pup in me and run off to see the world for two years, shack up with two siblings who love you and then run back home to find me with a son, waiting," said Jeev.

Clement laughed.

"That sounds like a familiar story. Should I call in Uncle Viraat and Zal?" asked Clement.

"Oh they know I always tease them about it," said Jeev.

"Will you wait?" asked Clement.

"I would find you and skin you alive if you leave me like that," said Jeev.

"Wow it's always the silent ones that turn into psychos," said Clement.

Jeev scowled.

"For the record, I don't want any cunt or arsehole. I just need my mate who is very much alive and allows me to use his lap as my pillow," said Clement.

Jeev smiled down at him.

"I was wondering how you will be running around with our kids and I will be chasing you with a ladle, ready to throw it at your head only to have you and the kids give me the puppy eyes," said Jeev.

"You imagined our kids?" asked Clement surprised.

Jeev blushed and looked away.

"I know we never discussed it-

"How many?" asked Clement.

"Atleast five," said Jeev.

Clement smiled at Jeev and said "Can we start now?", Only to be pinched by Jeev.

Jeev laid down and cuddled himself closer to Clement.

"I always worry that he will return and cause pain," said Jeev.

Clement pecked on his forehead.

"Baby, it's nothing I can't handle," said Clement.

"You are not fighting with anyone. Especially not someone as untrustworthy and cruel as him," said Jeev.

Clement smiled at the sentiment and hugged Jeev closer.

"I am your Alpha, Alpha Jeev and I am going to protect you. Come what may , I will always reach you, be with you," smiled Clement. Though he said it so simply, he made it a promise. A promise he will keep.

"Did he abuse you?" asked Clement after a long silence.

"Emotionally ? Yes. Physically? No. Psychologically? Yes. He used to say how ugly I and who would want to touch me , talk to me or even look at me. Like , he didn't mind it? He would always touch me like it was a favour though we never had sex" said Jeev, his voice cracking as he said that.

Clement sat up and pulled Jeev into his arm.

"Do you have any idea how sexy and hot you are?" asked Clement.

Jeev blushed.

"What are you saying?" asked Jeev swatting his hand away.

"I am saying that you are one of the most attractive people in the world. The other is me obviously. But yeah, you are my super sexy mate," said Clement.

"I think even after all the counselling, I still believe some of the things he said," said Jeev.

Clement ran his hand through Jeev's face and bent down and kissed him. Jeev kissed back and let the man kiss him deeper.

"You are beautiful. I find it very hard to not jump you, to have you, claim you, mark you as mine, Clement Mantini's. You know my previous lifestyle. I am extremely dominant in bed. You turn me on so much, my hand is now a victim of my agressions," said Clement.

Jeev blushed more and hid his face on Clement's shoulder. He raised Jeev's face whose dimples were evident now.

"I am not trying to be difficult you know," said Jeev.

Clement nodded.

"I know which I why I am waiting for you to come to me," said Clement.

Jeev kissed on Clement's jaw making the man look at him in surprise.

"I - I hate it when you go with the hunters and come home late because of a pack meet. I will never know if you are safe. Unless you are in grave danger the wolf won't be able to sense it. It kills me," said Jeev, wanting the man to understand that he did care.

Clement looked at him surprised.

"You were worried?" asked Clement.

Jeev nodded.

"And here I thought that you princelings are not scared of anything," said Clement.

"Of course we are scared. I know my brothers are scared that one of you Mantini's are going to end up in the wrong side of a silver weapon," said Jeev.

"I will try not to scare you too much," said Clement.

"Can you er - mark me?"asked Jeev slowly.

Clement smiled.

"If you are sure, with pleasure," said Clement pulling Jeev closer to him.

"I am sure," said Jeev.

Clement raised his face and kissed him. He undressed Jeev slowly and laid him on the bed. Jeev fumbled with Clement's buttons but managed to take it off.

Clement fell for him all over again at that innocence. He kissed Jeev, then moved from the lips to the cheeks, then the jaw, neck and down to the stomach and navel. Jeev was hard and Clement smirked. He was also rock hard.

He slowly went up to the nipples and licked then slowly.

"Alpha," groaned Jeev.

Clement smirked as he slowly bit on the neck, the shoulder and up. Jeev groaned when he felt the rock hard cock against him.

Clement left his mark all over Jeev who came. Clement followed.


Jeev blushed as he looked at Clement who was sleepy but cuddled closer to him. It was night, and both were ready for bed. Jeev let go of his fears and embraced his mate.


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