A New Dawn

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Kanwar smiled as he saw Eka's blush and snuggled closer. It was morning and god, his husband was adorable.

They got out and saw Jeev snuggled up to Clement in the balcony. Both had a cup of hot drink in their hands as they spoke little bit revelled in the blissfulness of the morning.

Clement saw them first and waved, one arm firm around Jeev.


There was some hush hush talks in the table.

"For fucks sake are you all 12! Yes they mated yesterday, get over it," said Iker and all fell silent for a second before everyone broke out into laughter. The two set of couple in question flushed a deep red as they laughed along.

Isco and Arth came over putting an end to all adult talks. Both sat down and the food was served.

The thought of Isco worried them always. Kanwar and Eka looked at each other. They had talked about it before. Kanwar did not have any objection as he liked Isco too. The discussion had happened on the day Isco fell asleep on their bed. But then it was evident that one of the Mantini's will be adopting him. Eka was a bit sad. However, when their request was rejected also Eka had been sad and furious. Kanwar had to calm him down before he stormed to the council to ask them to stop playing with a child's life and stability.

They waited for the kids to go back to playing before addressing it with Avadh, Iker and the Mantini's and of course Ethan and Atrey. All the two sets of parents sat in the drawing room as both requested.

"Baba, We- " Kanwar broke off.

"Em - Dad" Eka looked down as Ethan looked at him.

"We, we would like to adopt Isco," said Kanwar.

All four looked at each other. Atrey was in his feet grabbing Ethan's hand.

"Can we go to the council now," he asked making Ethan roll his eyes fondly.

Avadh and Iker were smiling.

Ethan got up and hugged them both.

"Yes,we are happy for you both. Yes I am also talking for those two dorks! I can hear there excitement about taking Isco back to palace through the bond so loud that my ear drum night break. And, if they pull any objection, Kanwar you now what to do," said Ethan.

Atrey was beaming.

Avadh and Iker were smiling broadly now.

"Yes. Let's not wait. I have asked your brothers to meet us in the hall. Let's talk to the council now," said Avadh.

Eka hugged Atrey and then his uncles and looked back at Kanwar.

"We should ask Isco first," said Eka.

Kanwar nodded.

Both men trooped to the game room. Arth saw them and was about to say something when Magnus came in and picked him up.

He smiled at the two.

"Go on talk to him," said Magnus and got out.

Of course. They all mind linked to communicate their decision.

Isco did not protest when Eka picked him up. He simply rested his head on Eka's shoulder.

"What happened? Bad?" asked Isco, seeing the worried looks on both their faces.

"You know almost everyone here wants to adopt you on their own," said Eka.

Isco nodded.

"But Sam, Mag and Clem cannot," said Isco.

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