Two Years Later

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Ivory woke up. Dantero was not in the bed. He smiled. He knew where the man would be. He tiredly walked towards the nursery and sure enough, he found his rogue king there. The man was holding their one-year-old son as he walked to and fro. Said son was gazing at his father like the entitled brat that he was.

"I can't believe how much he has wrapped you around his finger," said Ivory softly as walked over and wound himself around Dantero, resting his head against the man's shoulder.

"Is it jealousy we are hearing Ivero?" asked Dantero.

"Probably," pouted Ivory against the man's shoulder. He loves his son to pieces, but he did occasionally get a little bit jealous. It was the spoilt brat in him.

"You have nothing to be worried about," snorted Dantero.

"I know. Still, I like being the most adored person in your list," said Ivory.

Dantero's body shook with laughter. Their son joined in and Ivory hugged his son and dropped a kiss on his forehead.

"Am I to believe that I am the most adored person on your list now and not this little twerp?" asked Dantero.

"Well, you both are first," said Ivy.

"How is that even possible?" asked Dantero.

"Son of the Kings of Manowar, remember?" smirked Ivy.

"I really need to have a word with the Kings about this," said Dantero.

Ivero started to cough and Ivy froze.

"My baby, what happened?" asked Ivory taking Ivero from Dantero. Ivory cradled his son close who looked up. He was a mini Dantero, no doubt. 

Ivero just whined.

"King Dan, something is wrong. Call the healer," said Ivy in total panic.

Dantero rolled his eyes. 

"He coughed a few times. It is cold. I checked him over. I have given him the medicine, should be fine in a few minutes," said Dantero.

"You are not the healer, are you?. I carried him. I can tell when he needs the healer," snapped Ivory, his eyes already filled seeing Ivero in distress. Dantero knew when not to argue. Ivory had a very hard time during Ivero's birth and he went into extra panic mode when health issues cropped up. This is the same when Dantero catches a cold or something.

He still remembers a healer running for his life when he said that Dantero's cold was 'nothing serious'. The healer came and looked over Ivero and left without comments but medicines.

Ivory sat rocking Ivero and Dantero sat next to him. Ivory leaned against him and sighed.

"I know I am a drama queen," mumbled Ivory against Dantero's chest.

Dantero smiled.

"You are my drama King," quipped Dantero.


"Alpha Darius"

Darius stopped on his track. He looked at his six-month-old child held in a supporter around his chest and gave him a sheepish smile. 

"Your dad is going to kill me, watch," he mumbled and turned. Sure enough, Ishq was sending him death glares.

Ishq stomped to him with a glass of milk. He absolutely hated it. But this was healers instructions after Darius got himself into the midst of an attack and injured himself quite badly.

Ishq made him drink it. Darius smiled fondly at the pout on his face and leaned and gave him a kiss.

Ishq blushed but gave him a peck on the lips and then kissed on top of their son Danish's hair.

"Off you go to the garden, I will meet you two there," said Ishq.

Darius looked at his miniature and carried him jovially to the garden.


The Palace of Manowar was as always, full of life. Isco was running around. At 7, he was one of the most mature kids around and that is saying something. Isco faltered seeing Iker's glare and ran for safety. He found himself in the lap of Avadh in a matter of seconds. Safety assured.

Iker narrowed his eyes.

"No one, not even Avadh Alwar is going to save you from having your vegetable, cub," said Iker.

Cub is Isco's pet name and he always scoffs at it.

"I am a wolf," huffed Isco curling himself around Avadh who held his grandson fondly.

Iker rolled his eyes as he sat down and made Isco have the veggies.

"Wolves don't need veggies," mumbled Isco.

"Aha, I don't see you living in the wood as a wolf all your life. You are staying in human form which means you have to keep your human body healthy. It is not an extension," said Iker.

Isco looked at Avadh appealingly.

"Been there, done that. Did not work out," said Avadh.

Isco sighed resignedly and had the vegetables. 

Iker got up. Now target number two. Ira's daughter Iliana found it very difficult to have proper food without Grandpa Iker around.

Zaleno and Hale gave each other a look.

Avadh exchanged look with his brothers.

"I saw that. I dare any of you to say something," said Iker.


Isco was in the hall. No one was fooled even though he was playing with the younger kids. His eyes kept darting outside. And finally, he smelt them. Isco howled and jumped out, uncontrollable wolf instincts making him go in the wolf form and jumped on his parents who were ready for him. Kanwar caught him carefully and he and Eka held him close.

"Missed you,"  a sob escaped him as he pressed his head against Eka's chest, changing back to human form.

"We know. We missed you too," said Eka, a teardrop sliding down his eyes. He and Kanwar had been away for one whole night as there were some necessary negotiations going on which required both of them. This was the first time they were not present for one whole night near Isco.

Kanwar smiled as he enveloped the two pieces of his heart close. 

"Granpa made me have veggies," mumbled Isco when they finally settled him on the bed between them, reassuring him.

"Did he? He was brutal like that when I was a kid too," said Kanwar.

Eka laughed and both the parents tickled Isco who squealed in delight.

Once Isco was asleep, both did not take their eyes away from him.

"You know, I always I think I am dreaming when I see him smile," said Kanwar.

"I know. How many years did it take for us to see that smile," said Eka, sadness in his voice.

Kanwar ran his hand through Isco's hair.

They had decided to not have kids till Isco is a bit older so that they can give all their attention to their oldest. Isco did ask them when he will also get siblings like Arth will soon and they have told him that they were waiting so that Isco can be a 'Big Brother'


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