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i got in jimin's car and we waited for jieun and her friend to get out of their last class. i smiled to myself as i remembered jimin's words. a promise.

i guess i should call it that too. "what's got you in such a good mood cutie?" jimin asked and i just smiled wider before covering my face with my hands with a laugh.

i just shake my head. "c'mon~ tell me~" he whined. "tell me before i kiss you." i look over at jimin and his nose is scrunched cutely.

i chuckle and press a chaste kiss onto his plump lips which shocked him. "whoa.. the jae eun lowell just broke one of her own rules?" jimin teased and i just playfully slapped his arm.

"dork." i say and jimin leans in. "but i'm your dork." he said with a smirk before filling the gap. i closed my eyes and relished in the warmth of jimin's lips on mine.

i hear the backseat doors open and i pull away slowly, opening my eyes to be met with jimin's soft brown ones. "ahh you guys are so cute! really!" jieun says.

"oh, jaeunnie, jimin oppa, this is jungkook." she says a little shy. "jungkook, this is my sister jae eun and her boyfriend jimin." she tells jungkook who nods.

i look at jimin and give a chuckle who in turn smirks back. "you think so too?" i ask as jimin starts the car. "of course i do." he says with a smile.

"just drive you dork." i say and jimin backs out of the stall he was in. "still your dork." jimin says before pressing a kiss to my cheek.

i can hear jieun and jungkook giggling and talking in the back. i'm glad she found someone who has her interest.

we're home and since jimin and i have last period together, we just worked on homework which was a project.

"what are you gonna present on?" jimin asked, laying down on my bed next to me. "dunno yet." i said and laid my head onto his chest, tapping the side of my laptop.

jimin takes my laptop from my hands and replaces the empty spot with his own hands. "you tap things when you're anxious or stressed." he whispered as he brought our arms together into a hug, twisting and crossing them. i could feel his warm breath on my neck. all i really could do was smile.

"what else do you notice about me?" i whisper, taking jimin's words from before. "you play with your lips a lot, always touching them." i smile and let go of jimin's hands and turn so that we're stomach to stomach.

"they're soft." i say and jimin agrees. "you crack your knuckles and play with your fingers." jimin says, squeezing my hand gently.

"old habit since i was young." i say. "you space out a lot and i think its cute." jimin says and he pulls me closer so that i'm eye level with him.

"jae eun lowell, i promise to protect you and even if you feel like you're alone, just know that i'm always here." he whispers, before closing the gap. i close my eyes and kiss jimin back.

fuck... i'm so in love with you...

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