First snowfall; Queen x reader

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*Author's note*

Now this is NOT a part of the Rock Angel series, I will be sure to put a RA if it falls within the Rock Angel series. Don't worry I have like 5-7chap already ready for you guys and you all have already read the one that began it all. Now for this story you can either imagine the cast of BoRhap or the actual members of Queen in the 70's-80's I leave that up to you. There's not really any warning except fluff, snow and maybe minor swearing. Hope you all enjoy it and get ready for all the Rock Angel chapters that I have ready for you guys.


Being on tour with the biggest band in the world does have its perks. You get to travel the world, experience different cultures, meet new people and have thousands and thousands of fans cheering your name and singing your music. Never did I imagine that that would be me along with Queen.

The name's (y/n), I got involved with Queen when they came by a club in Dallas, Texas that was hosting a singing competition and just shortly after I had gone up and sang but didn't win (apparently Aaron says that I'm just too good to be in the singing contest, every year I've signed up), Freddie Mercury himself offered me the chance to be the opening act for the remainder of their tour.

At first I was shocked that Queen themselves wanted a simple girl like me from Texas to sing in front of thousands of people for them, not to mention that while I do love Rock n Roll, my songwriting is more in tune with Country rock and most Yankees or anyone else world wide would be interested. But they persuaded me to join and after my first show, the audience really loved me.

Currently now we were in Glasgow, Scotland after just doing a show. We got back to our hotel rooms and decided to celebrate on another well done concert.

"Alright my darlings, a toast to another great concert. And to the cowgirl with six encores. The voice that never stops our lovely Texan (y/n)!" The boys raised their glasses in agreement all proclaiming cheers of agreement. It's true.

I must be the only opening act to go on for more than 3 songs, apparently people in Scotland really love my music and they kept cheering for me to continue on. I felt bad taking the concert away from the boys but they had me stay on stage to give the audience what they wanted, they even had me come up and sing with them on a few of their songs.

"You guys are too kind, I still feel bad taking the concert away from you all though." I said.

"Darling don't even worry about it. The audience loves you." Freddie stated.

"You were mazing out there tonight love, don't feel sorry about that." Brian said. Deacy and Rog nodded in agreement so I smiled and let it go as we continued the celebration. As the night went on, we all then decided it was time to hit the hay as we had to be at the airport for Paris pretty early in the morning.

As they had once made reservations only for four but now counting me, I had to share a room with one of the boys for the remainder of the 'Night at the Opera tour' now out of the four of them, I've chosen to alternate between Deacy or Brian as they were the quieter and calmer ones of the band.

I love Rog and Freddie but get a few drinks in them—and you won't sleep the night. Plus Rog snores really, really loudly and sometimes Freddie vocalizes in his sleep and you do not wanna see me if someone wakes me up when I'm trying to sleep, please believe that.

So tonight I decided to share a room with Brian since I shared a room with Deacy back in Buenos Aires, give him a bit of a break. I went ahead and used the bathroom first getting my shower done and over with, did my hygiene stuff and changed into my pajamas. Once I was done Brian went on in and did his thing as I got in the bed.

Bohemian Rhapsody and the boys of QueenWhere stories live. Discover now