Chapter 2

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Chance POV


"You think she'll be alright?" Chase asked over the phone. He was at his boss's trap working. Even though we consider him a part of our set we know he's got other work to do. I'm at the trap looking into Sophia's shooting. Everyone just left the hospital to do their own thing. Dallas, Tyson, and Maria all had to leave the state for a meeting while Box and Speed went to deal with a shipment. Drew is here with me but he's watching the dope boys and the hoes to make sure they're in line.

"Sophia is a tough girl. She'll pull through, hopefully."

"Could it be him? Could he have found them?"

"I don't know," I sighed. "If he did find them then it's bad. I just got word they were able to take down one of the OG's empire. He already had complete control over the main set and with new territory means our chances of standing up to him just got even smaller. We can't afford a war with someone like that."

"Do you have any idea why he wants them dead? You were training to take his place, I'm sure Julio told you something. There has to be a reason why Darren is so fixated on Maria and her sisters. There's more to it than just territory. If it really was just about the power wouldn't he come after you?"

I knew Chase is right. There has to be more to the story. Maria was never an option to get the empire simply because the old man wanted his daughters to have a normal life. Even though Darren and I were an equal possibility of inheriting his place it was obvious Julio favored me above him. I don't know why besides the fact that my old man was his best friend. Even if he wanted me to be the next in line Julio was smart not to trust anyone with top secret information. So I don't know what the old man could've had or been involved with that would make Darren so obsessive. If it's simply because he's worried about losing what he gained I should be his target considering I still have a substantial amount of influence in the empire. "I wish I knew," I said. "Julio was always a bit secretive. The only thing I know is he's been working on something that caused the empire to go in an uproar. Once shit got hectic he sent me to work with his New York partners my dad was involved with before he got pinched."

"Maybe we should-" He paused. "Aye boss is coming. I'll hit you back when I've got time."

"Iight." We hung up and I sat back and thought about it. What could have Darren so obsessed with Maria and her sisters? What does he gain from them dying? Would he even kill Sophia if I'm around? I think if he figured out I'm back in the game I'd be his next target. It's possible this shooting had nothing to do with him and just some beef we got in PGS. The only thing is I don't know who it could be.

"What's up?" Drew came in. You know shit is bad when this little nigga is acting normal.

"We got any beef going on?"

"Not lately. Everything's been cool. Why? You don't think it's that nigga that's been after the girls?"

I shook my head. "He's still a possibility. I just can't come up with a plausible reason why he would be this intent on killing them. He already have Parca's territory and it's not like Maria was going to inherit it in the first place. His likely target should've been me if he's afraid of losing what he's got."

"So it could just be someone we've got beef with? We've already taken care of Sisqo so I don't know who it could be."

"I've been hearing that the streets have been going crazy ever since Parca died. He ruled with an iron fist so most weren't bold enough to step but now that he's gone it could be a new enemy we don't know about that's popping up. Someone who's trying to send a message."

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