Chapter 14

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5 years later


Asiaa POV


It was a complete shock the Dallas had still been messing with Maria when we first began messing around but I let the past be bygones. I guess I should be happy about it because it was for that same reason we drove her away. And now I'm the new queen of these streets. Ever since that night Maria has been MIA. No one has heard from her since. That's cool with me because I'm back where I should be. Dallas is all mines. We did have a little falling out or whatever when she first left. I really thought he stopped fuckin with her and to see him beg for her to stay hurt like hell. But he eventually realized he has a REAL family. Maria and her child isn't his responsibility. Me and mines are.

So we've been together for these past few years. I've never had experience in this gang life but I was willing to learn. But I never got the respect Maria had from the workers or the gang. They thought I was some intruder or something. And to think Tyson, Drew, Box, and Speed were guys I grew up with. It's whatever because nothing is going to change what I worked hard for.

Tyson POV


Shit ain't never been the same ever since Maria left. I miss the hell out of my twin man. I haven't had anyone as crazy as I am to fuck with. All those play fights, arguments, meant everything to me. With all my family gone Maria really did feel like a sister to me. She was one of the few people who understood me and my problems.

Around the time Maria left me and Kiya fell off really bad. We couldn't get over the death of our baby girl. I made terrible mistakes that I regret. I cheated, smoked, drank, shit I was doing everything. Kiya felt alone and with all my shenanigans she tried committing suicide to get rid of the pain. That was a wakeup call for me. I wasn't going to lose my girl. We both went to counseling and now we're better. I still think about my baby girl and I know Kiya does too.

Nakiya POV


I miss Maria like crazy. Whenever one of us was feeling down or whatever she was there. When Tyson started acting up on me I felt so depressed I couldn't take the pain. Yeah I tried committing suicide but Tanisha came by and found me in the bathroom overdosed in sleeping pills. I got the help I needed and eventually got back on track. I went back to school and am now finishing up my bachelor's degree in child education. There are days that I think about my baby but I don't dwell on it like I did. Everything happens for a reason and my baby got justice so that's good.

As for Asiaa, I don't have a problem with her. I just don't like the fact she's with Dallas and automatically thinks she runs shit. Just because Dallas is the main head doesn't mean you run it with him. Stay in your place please and humble yourself.

Tanisha POV


I got my degree in nursing and now I'm working in a hospital. As you should know me and Drew have been official for about four years. I love his crazy ass with all of me. He's a big ass bully but it's cool. We're both assholes and it works for us. When my girl Maria first left everyone was a wreck the first few months. I almost wanted to quit school to help look for her. But Drew convinced me otherwise.

Asiaa is an okay person. She needs to realize that just because Dallas decided to fuck with her heavy again doesn't mean she runs shit. Once she learns that, then maybe we'll work on being cool other than that fuck em.

Drew POV


Tanisha and I have been together for like three and a half years. I never thought someone would be able to handle me and all my crazy antics. I knew I was right when I said she was my soul mate. I don't know why it took us so long to actually date but it's whatever. I miss my best friend like crazy. Who's supposed to threaten me and actually back it up? Asiaa tries to go back to the old days where we fuss but to be completely honest I don't like her itchy scalp ass. She tries to play friend and boss at the same time. She doesn't realize this shit is a partnership. We all run this shit not just her or Dallas. Regardless of what they believe. I'm surprised Selena and Sophia handling this as well as they are.

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