Chapter 38

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Maria POV


Why? Why do I keep losing the ones I love? Keep losing the ones I need in my life. Has god punished me enough? Haven't I suffered enough loss? So tell me why the fuck every time I move forward I get pushed back again? Why can't I just win once? Why do I have to lose both of my best friends? Tell me why!

"Little baby," I felt his arms wrap around me. "Everything's going to be okay. You'll be okay. You don't need me anymore. You have so much love, so much patient and support. I did what I did because I wanted you to finally live. I finally did what I promised to do. I was able to do what your father wanted to be done. I saved you from this life so you can live freely. Without the bondages he left behind and the burden of being a trapper."

"Did you ever think to stop and ask what I wanted? I never asked you to sacrifice yourself for me. I just wanted to live with the people I love. I can't do that if I can't live with you."

"Yes you can. I'm the last chain holding you hostage. If I disappear, you will learn to live again. You will truly be free. You never have to be a caged bird again little baby. Live the life we want for you. Live unapologetically happy it's okay to be sad now. But don't let the darkness win. The light in you is so much stronger than any darkness ever could be. You have way too much to live for." He pulled away and looked me in the eyes. His face mirrored my own. Littered with tears. "If you have a boy name him after me," he winked.

"Asshole," I muttered rubbing the tears away. There was a knock on the door before Ismael walked in with flowers.

"I trust you've said your goodbyes," he said. "Kyngston. For you. You weren't one of my men and yet you risked your life for me. Commendable."

"Thanks," he muttered.

"M-Mr. Ismael," Selena said. "I know you had a deal but-"

"Don't Selena," Chance said. Her lip quivered as she dropped her head. "I'm ready whenever you are sir."

"Good. Young man," he went up to Kyng. "I owe you my life. If you need anything. Do not hesitate to ask."

"Thanks...hold on." Kyng struggled to sit up. "You said anything right? So can we trade? A life for a life?"


"I understand why you want Chance. I do. He's great at what he does. He's smart, reliable, loyal, and honest. He would truly be the best worker you'd ever have. But you see, he's family. None of us would be here without him always having our backs. And honestly, he owes his life to a little girl expecting him home. Please, we just...we don't want to lose our family."

The room was deathly quiet. We had no idea what to expect from him. He started laughing. "I should have expected as much. Chance is very valuable to me but he's irreplaceable for you. I'm not doing this because I'm a kind man. I know what it feels like to lose family. And I hate having to owe people for future favors. I just hope you all know with this any communication between us is cut. I am not available for favors. And if you utter anything dealing with my business, I am not afraid to get rid of every single one of you."

"We understand," I said quickly. "Thank you. Thank you so much!"

"No problem my lady. Your father was a fool but a good heart. Strong. Not many of those left around. And I think you got the last one. Shame." He put the flowers down and left. "Do not throw your life away again boy. You were meant to for something other than a bargaining chip you know."

"Chance is staying!" Drew cried all over him. "Don't leave me man. I love you dog."

Chance chuckled while wiping his face. "Love you too man." I smacked the back of his head. "Damn Maria! Hell you hit me for?"

"If you do some shit like that again I'm going to fuck you up Chance," I sniffed before hugging him. "You're not a ball of chains idiot. You're my best friend."

"Right," he hugged me back.

"I know you're staying and all but since you gave us this it's okay if I take out that gas money you owe me?" Drew asked causing us all to laugh.

"Asshole," Chance chuckled.

"God I'm glad that's over," Mama Tonya said. "All these pregnancy hormones are going to kill me."

"You're pregnant?!" Kyng all but hollered.

"Uh surprise?" She smiled weakly. Jason stood off looking at her crazy. "Don't look at me like that. You know what's been going on."

"Oh shit. Go mama get your freak on," I laughed.

"And if I heard correctly you're pregnant too right Maria?" Sophia said, practically floating on cloud nine.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Yes I am." Kyng's face lit up.

"Hot damn," Tyson said. "Y'all already have ten kids. How many more do y'all need?"

"A football team obviously," Speed joked.

"Who else having kids?" Drew said.

"Um," Tanisha said. Drew passed out. "If you don't stop acting like a fuck nigga. Get up Drew." She started kicking him causing us to laugh.

Tyson looked at Kiya. "You having kids too?" She smiled. His eyes got big.

"Sophia are you pregnant?"

"Nope." She smiled. "Not yet anyways."

"And hopefully not for a while. We've got enough pregnant women to deal with," Selena said making us laugh. This is all I want. Laughter and happiness. Peace and serenity with the people I call my family.

I'm sorry you guys. I was so hurt I couldn't give Chance up like that. Y'all can hate me all y'all want. I hate myself for doing it. I hope you all enjoyed the revamped version of both books either way. Time to get the ball rolling on the next couple of them.

Also I have no idea what to do for a book for Chance so like I said before so far he doesn't have one unfortunately. Feel free to give me some ideas on what you think his book should be about. And I'll let you know whether or not anything changes in Chance possibly getting his own spin off book. 

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