Chapter 4

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Asiaa POV


"Thank you," I smiled at the real estate agent. I was given the keys to my new place. It was nothing but a small house. I couldn't afford anything else. I just got the necessary money to move home so I couldn't be picky. It was fine because I don't plan on staying here longer than necessary. There's something, or someone, that I came for. I freshened up before leaving again. I needed to hurry and track him down and there's only one person who could help me.

But finding her was not easy at all. Apparently, she moved. Had to do all types of extra activities to find her house but now here we are. It's really big. My baby must be doing well nowadays. I checked myself out one last time before getting out the car. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

Tonya (Dallas mom) POV


I was at home watching my stories when someone started knocking on my door. I know it ain't Maria or Kyng since they have a key. I got to remember to call them later to make sure they bring my grand by. Haven't seen him in so long. I got up and saw some girl standing there. Wonder what she wants.

"May I help you?" There was a little boy hiding behind her legs.

"Hey Mama, it's me, Asiaa." She smiled big at me. Who the hell is Asiaa and why is she calling me mama?

"Um...who?" her smile dropped. "I think you have the wrong house sweetie."

"But I-"

"I said you have the wrong house." I was about to close the door but I looked closer at the little boy. He looked like Kyng when he was a little one. I stopped and stared at them. "Asiaa?" I started to remember his childhood crush and first love. They were nearly inseparable. Then she up and left him when they were in middle school.

"You do remember me?"

"I remember you left my son high and dry. Broken hearted and lost. What the hell do you want now?"

"See-um-this is KJ," she pushed the little boy closer to me. "I thought he deserves to know who his father and grandmother are."

"How old are you little boy?"

"Four," he said quietly.

"You waited until he was four years old to bring him to meet his father?" she didn't say anything. "I highly doubt that's your reason for bringing him back. You always knew what my son did and now you wait until he gets to the top to come back." I swear these young girls are trifling as hell. "You coming to me to find him was a waste of time. He's not here and I don't know where you can find him. I'll let him know you were by though." I closed the door in her face.

I know it was rude since it's more than likely that is his child but I never did like that little girl. The way she left was devastating for Kyng and now she shows up all this time later makes me weary. I have to get in touch with Kyng though. Heaven knows he's more than likely going to flip out. 

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