Chapter 9

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Maria POV


Looks like war is coming sooner than expected. We've been on this plane for a couple of hours now and it's beginning to land thankfully. I called Dallas but he didn't answer so I got Jay to pick us up. "So tell me what's going on?" He said the moment we got in the car. "You went AWOL for weeks. What's up with that?"

"I had things to do."

"Things? Maria what 'things' are more important than your child?! You can't being doing these reckless shit when-"

"Jay I'm not in the fucking mood okay!" He dropped me off at the house and we got in my car. I just have to hurry up so we can get to Chase. I felt Chance staring a hole in the side of my face. "What?" I huffed.

"Nothing. Just don't burn your bridges M alright?" We pulled up and hopped out. We rushed inside and went looking for everyone else. The twins were in front of the torture room so that's where we went. "Aye let me take this call right quick. Go on in." I nodded and walked in. Everyone was in here. Dallas, Tyson, Drew, Box, and my sisters. I stood off to just watch and see what's up. Ole boy was just chilling in the chair with not a scratch on him. Type of interview is this? Selena noticed me first and told me to come over.

"There she is," this nigga had a goofy ass smirk on his face. "We've been waiting for you. Had a fun trip?"

"Excuse me?" I narrowed my eyes trying to figure out how he knew what I was up to.

"Before you think about touching me just to let you know if you want your boy Chase alive you'd better calm it down." I looked at everybody to see if this nigga was for real. Chance finally came in. "Iight the gangs all here. I already know y'all are going to try to kill me after I spill the beans so I won't tell you where you can find Chase. I'll show you and as soon as war starts I'm gone. All I wanted was some fast cash and I got it. No harm done."

"No harm done? You got my cousin locked up son," Chance was about to charge him. Box and Speed stopped him.

"That was all his boss's doing. He was so comfortable in that white devil mess he didn't think that Chase was playing both sides. I just gave him a friendly suggestion. Wasn't hard considering Chase was always with you guys. Repped y'all publicly. For someone who's supposed to be a certified genius that was a really stupid thing for him to do. I had nothing to do with that."

"For someone just looking for some fast cash you sure know a lot," Chance said eerily calm. "Some of what you know isn't common knowledge at all. Makes a nigga wonder where you got the information from."

"Don't worry about it. You won't know-"

"Is that so?" Chance cracked his knuckles. "I'm getting tired of the runaround to be quite honest. The only thing I need to know is Darren behind it? And why? Why hasn't he tried to kill us yet if he knows where we are?"

"All I know is someone very powerful is watching you. I was paid to get in drop info in y'all head in order to start war. With this war they were hoping y'all two would kill each other. More area more power. They run business and tie up a few loose ends."


"That's confidential information sweetie. Only reason I told you this much is because it's not like you can do anything. After tonight you'll all be dead." He sat back with a smug look on his face. Fuck this. I grabbed the nearest sharp object and stabbed him in his leg. He yelled like a little bitch of course.


"What the hell is he planning?" I twisted the object and started moving it. "What is it?!"

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