Chapter 24

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Dallas POV


Today has been an extremely long and tough day for everybody. We all just met up at Maria's house. Even after all these years we still just take refuge at Maria's-well now our place. The girls decided to make something to eat. The kids were outside on the play set. Not KJ though. He went into one of the rooms and is quiet right now. All the guys are sitting on the patio.

"I got Bruce using his connects to find this dude," I told them. "I'm going to offer a big reward for anyone who can find him."

"Thanks," Chance said. "Who would put a hit out on Maria? I know she's a big shit talker but who gains from her and my niece and nephew dying."

"I wish I knew." Damn this shit is getting stressful. "Damn I'm getting tired of this."

"Tired of what?" Box asked.

"This man. I don't know how Bruce does it. I'm tired of this trapping shit. It was iight when we had nothing and was just trying to get rich but I can't do this no more. I'm twenty-three with three kids to think about. Chase had a baby girl man. She barely had enough time to get to know him. He's going to miss out on everything in her life. Someone's trying to kill my family. If I lose somebody else I don't know what I'll do."

"I know what you mean," Tyson said. "If I left sooner my baby would be here. This scene is getting old man."

"Let's come to an agreement," Speed said. "After we get Chase justice, let's just bounce. All of us just leave together. We got families to think about. This shit is for people like Parca and Bruce who can stay all the way into their forties and fifties. The twins are more than ready for this."

"Yeah," I agreed. "But Maria needs peace. We have to do whatever we can to make sure she gets that. We have to figure out the deal with Darren and Parca." They nodded. We're leaving the game but we'll still be in it. Maria deserves closure from this.

"What y'all talking about?" the girls came out with plates of food.

"After we find out who killed Chase we're leaving the gang for good," Tyson said.

"Y'all are?" Selena asked. "What made you do that?"

"We're getting too old for this shit," I said. "We're not made to be in this life until we die. I personally can't live with losing Maria or one of our kids to this shit. So we're all going to leave. You too Maria."

"Trust me, I already came to the decision to leave this trapping to the birds. All I want is for that bitch to pay for what she did to my papi."

"We need a vacation from this bull shit," Tanisha said. "Like far away. Somewhere that's just us. I can't stand people right now."

"I know how you feel," Selena said. "For just a little while. I feel so stressed."

"Oh wait!" Sophia got excited. "Tierra de nadie!" We all were confused. "Remember? Papi's island."

"Y'all pops had a whole damn island? How rich was this nigga?"

"Very," Sophia said. "Technically, it's ours now. Remember the reading of the will? Papi left it to us. We have the deed and it cannot be sold. It's uninhabited except for a couple local animals and people who live there full time. We can go there."

"Where is it? And how much is this going to cost?" I need to make sure my money is right. Asiaa has been eating at my fortune for years and I need time to re-cooperate.

"All we need is to take a plane to Puerto Rico and then take a plan there. It's fifty miles off it's shorelines. Everything is paid for. All we have to do is make sure everything is stocked up."

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