Chapter 8

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Dallas POV


"Aye y'all hear from Chase?" We were supposed to have heard from him by now when he thinks is the best time to strike. But we haven't and it has us worried.

"Nah man I've got a bad feeling," Tyson said. This is definitely not good. "What about Chance? Anybody hear from him?"

"He's still playing errand boy." I didn't even try to hide the attitude I had. The moment him and Drew landed Maria called him and he hopped on a plane and headed straight for her rather than check in with me or even telling us where she could be. We're in the midst of going to war and these two went off on some crazy adventure. I understand her pops and family died and she wants some answers. Shit I would feel the same way if someone killed my mom but there's shit that's going on now that she should be worried about. She should be here taking care of Santi, me, the gang really.

"I'll call him." Tyson pulled out his phone and tried reaching Chance. He didn't answer. "Well maybe Maria knows something."

"She's not going to answer." I've already tried calling her three times and have gotten shit back.

"Won't hurt to try." He dialed her number. It rang three times before it picked up.

"Hello?" it was some dude who picked up.

"Who the hell is this?" Why the hell is there a man answering Maria's phone?

"Who is this?"

"Don't worry about who the fuck this is. Why the fuck are you answering my girl phone?"

It was quiet for a bit. "You're her boyfriend? Kyng?"

"Who the fuck are you and how the hell do you know me?" I was getting beyond aggravated.

"N-Nobody. Hold on." What the hell? "She can't talk right now."

"What the-"

"Hush man," Tyson said. "Aye has she heard from Chase or Chance?"

"She just talked to Chance yesterday but not Chase. Sorry have to go."

"Who the hell is that nigga answering her phone?" I started getting heated. She's ignoring all my calls and shit but has some nigga all on her phone.

"She's probably got an explanation for that man. We need to worry about finding the rest of the crew." Someone came knocking on the door. "Who is it?" the brothers walked in. "What's up?"

"We saw ole boy sneaking around. He was just trying to get into the warehouse not too long ago." The warehouse is where we keep all our weapons. "Box stopped him though."

"He was just talking to someone on the phone. We didn't hear much. They were talking about a spy they got locked up and so now they were waiting until we make our next move."

"Shit!" That means they've got Chase. "This was Chase's plan and now it's going to hell. We can't stick to the script we have to go get him."

"He's going to alert him."

"Y'all, bring him here but don't make it suspicious. As long as we can keep him from reporting back we may have the element of surprise. Anthony, you get him here. Anderson, I need you to round up the boys as quietly as you can and get them suit up. We're going to war soon." They nodded and went to get ready. "Get word out to the other traps to lock down."

"What about Chance and Maria?" Drew asked. My jaw clenched. "Never mind. I'll handle it."

Sophia POV

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