Chapter 13

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Month later




Maria POV


What a crazy month it's been. The hoe squad actually had the balls to try and take us out. Too bad it was simply over some dick. What a way to waste your life. Sophia is walking a lot better now. Rarely uses her crutches. Tyson stayed in West Virginia with Kiya to help her but she couldn't deal with the stress of losing her baby so she withdraw from school and moved back home. Tanisha decided to transfer back into state and go to a smaller school closer to us. Drew really likes that. I'm also mostly healed from my injuries. Still have chest pain here and there but that's expected from a gunshot wound.

Selena and Sophia basically moved out with their boyfriends. I miss them low key. I don't see them often. I did make a big fuss about it but at the end of the day it's their lives and they can live it how they see fit. Just as long as they finish school and know they are always welcome back with me. It gets pretty lonely in the house by myself but luckily Chase and Chance visit often.

As for me and Kyng, we're talking but I don't know if we're still together. I doubt we are. He has yet to tell me about his other family as well. I asked does he have something to tell me and he said no. He's blatantly keeping the truth from me and that's making me lose trust in him. It's looking like he doesn't want me to know at all and it's frustrating as hell. Especially now I'm having doubts about his faithfulness. Recently he's been extremely attached to his phone. He never used to have a problem with me using his phone and he rarely ever played on it when we were on good terms, but now you couldn't get him off of that thing. Like right now, he's supposed to be with me and Santi but he's buried in his phone. Santi is whining for Kyng and he's just ignoring him. "I've gotta go to the trap." And just like that he got up and left.

"Mommy," Santi said with a sad face. "Daddy no like me anymore?" I felt the tears building. Both from sadness and anger. That's it. I can't take it anymore. It's one thing to play around with me but to play around with my son is completely different.

He asked to be a part of Santi's life. He wanted to be a father. Just because you got another kid doesn't mean you ignore Santi. I got up and started packing me and Santi's clothes. I know what I have to do. I booked a flight on a private plane three hours from now. So I have little time. I called Chase. "What's up?"

"Kyng at the trap?"

"Nope. Why?"

"Track him for me and shoot me the address." I hung up before he asked any questions. I started walking around the house grabbing everything I'll need. I ended up packing all my clothes, shoes, and electronic devices. I went online and transferred Sophia and Selena's cut of papi's money into their account. I moved all my money into a secret account. After I put the last bag in my car Chase gave me an address. I went back upstairs to get Santi. On my night stand was a collage picture of my and Dallas at prom night. I never thought things would get this bad between us but things can't be changed. Chase asked what I was planning but I just cut my phone off. I stopped at Jay's place. "Watch him for like ten minutes."

"Maria, you okay?"

"Yeah I just have to handle something." I left to handle one last thing before I leave. I pulled up to this fairly spacious house. Kyng's car was out front. I got out and knocked on the door.

"Dallas baby get the door. Me and KJ will get the movie."

"Iight I got you." Not only is he cheating on me but he's neglecting Santi for his other family. That shit just pissed me off. The door opened and Kyng had this big ass grin like he hit the lottery. When he saw it was me his look immediately fell. "Maria?" He looked into the house.

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