Chapter 12

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Tyson POV


Shit is crazy right now. And I'm not talking about gang shit either because we're actually really cool. But Dallas has been acting kind of funny. Chase told us he got another kid he didn't tell Maria about. The worse thing is his baby moms is Asiaa. She was a cool chick but with their history I know he's going to fuck up if he already hasn't. But we agreed not to say anything because Maria wants to see if he'll tell her himself.

I'm not going to lie shit has been mad boring since my baby left. I miss her soft voice ass and I know Drew miss the hell out of Tanisha mean ass too. Right then my phone rang and my baby picture flashed on the screen. "Hey-"

"Tyson get here now," Tanisha was panicking. They both went to the same out of state college to avoid drama and so Kiya has someone around to watch out for her and the baby.

"What happened?" I popped up and grabbed my shit.

"Something happened to Kiya. It's not looking good." That's all I needed to hear.

I called the first person in my contact list. "Chance, get everyone to the airport now. Nakiya in trouble."

"Iight." I don't have time to make all the calls. We have to go now.

Selena POV


We all got on our private plane to West Virginia. Kiya is in a lot of trouble and I know Tyson is worried. Hell we all are. I hope the baby is okay. Maria was in the corner talking to Chance and Chase quietly. Sophia was cuddled up with Box in their seat sleeping. That guy who was with Chase was talking with Drew and Tyreek. Dallas was cheesing up at his phone and Tyson was trying to be strong.

You ever had that feeling something really bad was about to happen? I have a terrible feeling we're about to lose something very important. It's scary to me and I can't explain it.

~Few hours later~

"No!" we all just broke down. This can't be real. She can't be gone.

"What happened?" Tyson punched a wall.

"A black car came up beside us and started shooting," Tanisha cried. "I tried helping her."

"Fuck!" Tyson punched another hole in the wall. He was crying and shit. "They killed my fucking daughter man."

"You saw anything about the car?"

She nodded. "I can tell you everything about it. Plate number and all. But we have to check on Kiya first." When we walked in her hospital room Maria broke down. She can't handle someone she loves in pain. Dallas actually came to comfort her.

"They took my baby," Kiya cried. Tyson hugged her. Damn man this is sad. We were all hugging and crying and trying to make each other feel better.

"We're gonna get them for this," Dallas promised. Tyson nodded. If it ain't one thing it's another.

Tamia POV


"What the fuck man?" we sat here and watched the news clip of Nakiya surviving a drive by. "Why won't these bitches die?"

"Right," Samantha sucked her teeth. "I can't believe you missed Tanisha ugly ass."

"Excuse me for not being a point on shooter. She was fast as fuck and had her own piece. I couldn't let her see my face anyway."

Samantha, Talia, Felicia and I were tired of these bitches and are trying to get rid of them but these bitches just won't die. In the beginning of the summer we tried outing Sophia but the anorexic hoe survived. So we thought it would be easier to take out the pregnant bitch. I swear it's harder to kill these bitches than roaches.

"We should take the head off the snake," Talia said. "Y'all know Maria is the ring leader."

"She's also the toughest of them bitches. We've all seen how resilient she is."

"She's also the strongest person. We should get rid of her first so we don't have to worry about her extra built ass coming after us."

"We fell off the face of the earth. No one's going to suspect us. They have nothing on us. But you're right. We need to get someone else to do it though."

Maria POV


It's been more than a week and Kiya is leaving the hospital. She was getting depressed from losing her baby so they kept her for a while. I'm still in some pain so I stayed in my hotel room. Chance and Chase are looking for the car that Tanisha described. Tyson never left the hospital and I think everyone else went to the hospital to check on Kiya and keep her company.

"Hey," Kyng walked inside my hotel room. "How you feeling?"

"Fine." Seems foreign and uncomfortable to talk to each other.

"You sure?" I nodded. It was quiet. "Okay I can't do this. Maria, I'm really sorry about the hospital okay? I didn't mean it. I was mad that you never answered my calls but was quick to pick up for everybody else. I didn't mean to think you were hoeing."

Wow an actual apology. "I'm over it Kyng." I don't think I can forgive him right now. He's hiding something tremendous from me and there's a reason why.

"So can we go back to how things were? I miss you and Santi. I want my family back." I don't know what possessed him to come in here with this but I don't think we can go back. From the looks of things he does have his family. "I love you too much to lose you Maria."

"I love you too." I really do love him. But I don't trust him. "I'll think about working on it just not right now."

"I understand." He came over and hugged me. Felt like forever since he held me. He snuck a kiss in. My gut is telling me something is wrong and I can't deny that something feels off. I can't bring myself to show him compassion and love. This kiss doesn't feel the same anymore.

"Aye," Chance came in. I know he's trying to figure out why Kyng is kissing me but he didn't say anything. "I think we found out who's been trying to kill y'all."

"I'll go tell the others." Kyng left.

"Y'all dealing again?"

"No. Something's different with us." I feel as though something is missing. The kiss was off, the way he came in here, I don't know. Chance hugged me. "I don't think he loves me anymore." My voice was flat but my heart was breaking because I still love him. And knowing that he only left because his phone was vibrating like crazy hurts.

"He'll realize what he's missing." I have a feeling it'll be too late by then.

Tyson POV


We're standing outside the motel these bitches were staying at. Can you believe the hoe squad was the one who killed my seed? We left the girls at the hotel with Kiya. These bitches are in a world of hurt and I may just snap and I don't want the girls around to see that side of me.

"I can't believe these hoes are back," Box said. "Why tf they came after Kiya?"

"Let's ask them." My meds weren't kicking in so I was getting in bad shape. I gave no warning when I kicked the door off its hinges. They all screamed and hopped up in surprise.

"How-" I didn't give her time to ask questions. I started whooping all their asses. They were screaming bloody murder. Too bad they're in the worst part of town because nobody is going to help them.

"Iight Tyson," they held me back. I ended up beating Tanisha cousin to death but the others were still kicking, barely.

"So why y'all hoes shoot Kiya? We don't have all day." They didn't speak. "Well Tyson you can finish."

"No wait!" Talia cried. "It was her idea!" she snitched on Tamia. And yet they family. "She was mad because Maria took Dallas and wanted to get her out the way. I went along because she said I could get Box back. She said we had to kill them but Sophia and everyone survived-"

"Y'all were the ones that shot Sophia?" Box was the next one to kick their ass. Pretty soon we all just beat them to a bloody pulp. "Stupid hoes."

"Let's clean this up and go."     

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