Chapter 25

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Asiaa POV


"Ah!" I screamed out of frustration. I've been tearing this house apart for days looking for the keys to my car right? Couldn't find them so I had to call a cab. A fucking cab. Gosh! I went to get me a new car. Dallas wanna take the keys so I'll just buy a new car. I went to the best car dealership on this side because I can't be in that cab any longer than I have to. I walked around the entire lot looking for a car that screams take me. "This one," I pointed to this nice ass hot pink Bentley. Ooh yes I'm going to be so hot in this. I gave them everything they needed so I can get my baby off this lot.

"Ma'am, your credit card isn't working."

"Excuse me? There has to be a mistake. Try again."

"Still nothing ma'am. It's been declined."

"Stupid ass card. Is there an ATM near here? This card is always messing up." He showed me one right up the street. I went to withdraw the money I needed for the down payment. I'll have to get a new card or something. When I went to withdraw my card was declined. "What the fuck?!" I called the bank. "Yes excuse me, my card keeps declining and I don't know why."

"What's the account information?" I gave it to her and waited impatiently. "Ma'am, you've been cut off from this account. The sole beneficiary Mr. Montegue had the card canceled."

"No the fuck he didn't! That's my fuckin money!" I hung up and called Dallas. He blocked my number. "You want to play Dallas? Fine." I didn't think it would go this far but he thinks I'm a joke. I called another cab. I gave him the address to Dallas's momma's house. Maybe she has my child. I banged on the door.

"Who the hell is that banging on my door like they don't have any goddamn sense?" She opened the door. "Oh that's who. What the hell are you doing banging on my door for little girl?"

"I'm looking for my son. Is he here?" I tried walking in but she pushed me back. "You can't keep my son away from me you old hag!" She smacked me. "I know you did not just hit."

"I'll do a lot more if you don't remove yourself from my property. I am not the one to play with. Now skeet little hoe. Before I give you an old fashion ass whooping." She slammed the door in my face.

"Old bitch." I went back to the cab and went to his hoe's house. "Dallas!" I banged on the door. "Give me my son you bitch! You wanna cut me off huh?!" Nothing. "I know you're in there you not shit ass nigga. Give me my damn son!" I walked around to the back and hopped the fence. I looked through the glass door and didn't see a single soul. Where the fuck is he? I tried opening the door but it's locked. I grabbed a chair and threw it at the glass. All it did was bounce off. Not crack or nothing. "What type of fucking glass is this?" I just went back to the cab. I went to everyone's house but nobody was home. They must be at the trap. We pulled up to the trap and I got out. "Bruce where is he?" He stopped me from going inside. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"I was told not to let you in by any means necessary."

"Nigga you work for me."

"No hun. I work for Dallas. Dallas said do not let you in and I can and will use force. Get in your cab and go back to wherever you came from."

"I want my son Bruce. Where the fuck is he?"

"Nowhere you'll find him. Do yourself a favor. Leave quietly."

"Fuck you and him. I'm getting my son back and everything he owes me." I stomped back to the cab. I gave him the address back to the house. Once we pulled up I dug through my purse. "How much?"

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