Chapter 31

525 18 2

Months later




Maria POV


The last couple months have been drama free. The guys aren't really dealing anymore. Now they're just looking for the guy who killed Chase. We're all doing some other shit. Tyson opened up a rec center for youth boys. Nakiya is now working in Santi's school. Sophia decided to put that degree of hers to use and is a counselor. Box is still in school of course but investing well. Selena is enjoying the pains of motherhood. Speed owns half the strip mall near my restaurant. Tanisha is still doing her nursing thing. Drew opened this big kid's pen where he spends a lot of his time playing around. Some things never change.

Chance surprisingly adapted well with becoming a father. Carmela is eleven months now and walking and somewhat talking. Her first word was of course daddy and Chance almost flipped his shit. I think Chase was right when he said she'd be his salvation. I always felt guilty that Chance wouldn't have a life of his own because it always revolved around keeping me and my sisters safe. I think he's finally thinking for himself and someone he loves.

Kyng owns this big ass business I had no idea about. He moved out of his house into mines since it was closer to everything. He spends a lot of his time home with us though. Everyone started going by their real name too, even Kyng. It's official their gang involvement is over.

And the thing with Jason is almost over as well. We had to grind really hard to make up the one hundred million. It wasn't right we used up all of our savings from trapping. He and Kyng stay in touch and have been getting to know each other. Kyng doesn't admit it but I think he's excited for having a father. Chance will be leaving sometime today to do the money exchange for Kyng since the Cartel only knew me and his face. We didn't want to mess anything up by bringing in a new face.

As for me, my restaurant is taking off. I get kids in culinary arts school to work for me. They get paid decently and if they're good they get recommendations to wherever. Most stay at my restaurant though. I'm starting to see celebrities and all.

"She can't sleep without her teddy bear alright," Chance was rambling on all these things I need to know about Carmela. I think he forgot I have three kids and two of which I raised from birth. "She also have a little cough. The doctor said it's normal but if she starts getting worse-"

"Chance," I said. "I've raised two kids. I think I know what I'm doing." He mugged me and I smiled. "She's fine okay? I got it and everything. Go do what you have to do."

"Right. I'll probably be gone for a while dealing with these motherfuckers. I'm going to meet Jason first and he'll come with me like we agreed. I won't let them kill him."

"We know. Do what you have to do. We'll be here when you return alright? I'll leave a voicemail every day."

"Okay. Bye baby." He kissed her head and she giggled.

"Dada!" she clapped. He smiled and left. Sap ass.

Asiaa POV


"Jones." I looked up at the security guard who comes in my cell every night for some booty. Most of the guards do. Some females jumped me not too long ago. Ever since I got in this place motherfuckers have been chasing me and raping me. "Your bail has been made." I walked out my cell. "With your record, you'll be back."

"Your perverted ass would like that." He pushed me down the hall. People started yelling and throwing shit. I flicked them all off. Fuck them. I'm out before my first year versus ten plus. I had to be walked to the warden for some bull shit speech or whatever. He sat me down and walked out.

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