Chapter 7

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Thank you guys for ur support on previous chapter. Lets continue this story and sorry for any gramatical error.


That girl hasn't arrived yet.

Sanskar frowned at the clock on the piano. It's nine o'clock right now and the girl hasn't arrived yet. Great. This is great.

Sanskar had been cranky since thirty minutes ago. And he will stay angry until he gets his morning coffee. He needs coffee. He needs that girl to make coffee for him.

Sanskar looked at the piano keys in front of him and his mood was getting gloomy. The piano reminded him of his broken hand. Hmm, sprained is actually more appropriate. But what's the difference, the point is that his left hand can't be used, right? He grumbled and began pacing back and forth in the sitting room.

Didn't yesterday he clearly say that she must arrive here at eight o'clock right? Are the words unclear? Is…

The intercom bell rang and cut his thought. Sanskar hurried over to the intercom that mounted on the wall and stared at the small screen there. There she is. The angel of darkness. She finally comes.

Sanskar pressed the button to open the front door of the building and wait. Two minutes later the apartment doorbell rang.

Sanskar opened the door with a quick jolt and looked at Swara who was standing with her cellphone pinned to her ear. Seeing Sanskar, she quickly murmured, "Ehm, Nikhil, I have to go now. I'll call you later, okay?"

Sanskar's brow furrowed. "You're late," he said when Swara had closed the cellphone. "One hour and three minutes."

Swara placed her bag and plastic bag she was carrying on one of the armchairs in the sitting room. "I'll make you coffee."

"So why did you late when I told you that you should arrive here at eight o'clock?" Sanskar asked irritably.

"The road is jammed today. Usually I don't need that long from Pune," Swara said, shrugging.

"Do you live in the Pune district?"

"No, I have an apartment here in Mumbai. My parents who live in Pune. I stayed at my parents' house last night."

Sanskar dropped his body to the sofa. Then he looked up at Swara who was still not moving from where she was standing. "Didn't you say you were going to make coffee now?" Sanskar asked.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry," Swara said quickly and turned to walk to the kitchen. But she remembered something and turned back. "By the way, I have sandwiches. Because you haven't had breakfast, you can eat it first while I'm making coffee."

Sanskar looked at the sandwich in the plastic box Swara had placed on the table in front of him. "No need. I don't need breakfast."

"Why? Are you afraid I'll poison you?"

Sanskar looked up at the girl's annoyed voice. "Maybe," he said. "Who knows?"

Sanskar watched as Swara's eyes narrowed and her lips tightened, as if she was trying to hold back. Finally the girl took a deep breath and said, "There is no poison. My Ma made the sandwich. She told me to give it to you. Do you think my Ma intends to poison you?"

Sanskar's brow wrinkled in surprise. "Your mother knows me?"

"No. But she found out about the accident and she knew I would help you until you can use your left hand." Swara paused, then added impatiently, "if you don't want to eat I won't force you."

Sanskar looked at the sandwich in front of him with a sour face, then looked up again at Swara. "Where is my coffee?"

Hearing the question, Swara snorted, turned around, and walked to the kitchen grumbling.

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