Chapter 13

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Hi guys...thank you for your support on the previous chapter. I'm sorry for being irregular. I gave u long update on this chapter. Sorry for any gramatical errors. Enjoy reading 😊



Swara came out of the elevator and her eyebrows rose in surprise to see Sanskar standing at the door of his closed apartment. "Why are you standing there?" she asked.

"I just about to call you," Sanskar said without answering Swara's question.

"Owh? What's up?"

But Sanskar again did not answer her question. He looked at Swara's face with a concern, then said, "You still look a little pale. How are you doing this morning?"

Swara cleared her throat. "I'm good," she said. Unconsciously she took a step back, not wanting Sanskar to reach out and touch her forehead like yesterday, because his actions were not good for her heart. "So why do you want to call me?" asked Swara.

"To tell you not to come today," said Sanskar lightly.

"What happened?" Swara glanced suspiciously at the closed apartment door. Are there any woman inside? Her eyes again looked at Sanskar from top to bottom. His look seems like he just woke up. His hair was messy and his eyes were still swollen. She looked suspiciously at Sanskar.

Sanskar stared back with a "what" look. Before Sanskar could answer, the apartment door opened behind him and Swara saw a beautiful slim woman around 50 years old standing in the doorway.

"Ohoo... So, she's the reason you don't want me here," Swara said in low tone while nodding her head. "Wow Mr. Arrogant, I don't know that you like matuuuure woman ... But I must admit she is pretty enough for a woman on her age," Swara whispered in a teasing tone.

Sanskar made faces. "There's nothing like that," he grumbled.

"Sanskar, what are you doing ... Owh." The woman's eyes widened to see Swara. Then she smiled pleasantly and asked, "Are you Laksh's friend who has helped Sanskar?"

Swara frowned in confuse, then looked at Sanskar. Sanskar sighed softly then smiled wryly. "Indeed she is the reason," he whispered. Then he said in a louder voice, "Roy, this is my mom. Mom, this is Swara Roy."

Swara immediately put on a smile and reached out to Sanskar's mom. "Hello, Mrs. Maheswari."

Sanskar's mom smile and she shook Swara's hand while saying. "So you are the girl. I am Sujata Maheswari. Nice to meet you."

"I wanted to call you earlier to tell you that you don't need to come today because my mom is here ..."

"Why can't Swara come here if I am in your apartment?" Sujata interrupted and gave a suspicious look at Sanskar.

"Mom, there is nothing she can do if you are here."

"She can accompany me to chat. I feel like an alien whenever you talked about music with your dad," Sujata said. Sanskar's father was also a pianist, but now is more active as a producer.

"But, Mom ..."

"Since you are here, we can have breakfast together," Sujata said, smiling at Swara and ignoring Sanskar.

Swara looked at Sanskar, then looked back at the woman who have friendly face in front of her. "But I don't want to disturb ..."

Sujata waved one hand. "Not disturbing at all," she said. "Infact, I want to thank you for helping my son. Come on, come in."

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