Chapter 17

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Hi guys 🙋 Thank u for ur support in the previous chapter. I have made a decision to update this story every Saturday or Sunday. And if I get support from you, I will try to update on those two days. OK, here's a new chapter for you. Happy reading. 😊

Chapter 17

Forty minutes later they arrived at the venue where the party was held. Sanskar and Swara stepped into a large hall filled with beautifully dressed people. Sanskar was relieved that everyone's attention was directed to the stage where a beautiful woman in her early fifties was giving a welcome speech to the guests, so their arrival did not need to be noticed.

Sanskar touched Swara's elbow. She was busy admiring the decor of the hall. Swara turned and followed Sanskar's gaze towards the graceful woman who was standing on the stage. Sanskar leaned towards Swara and whispered, "That's Mrs. Natya Saraswati Singhania."

Swara nodded.

"Do you want to drink?" Sanskar asked, still in a low voice. Swara nodded again. "Then, come on." Sanskar grabbed Swara's hand and took her to the drink table. "Fruit punch?"

"Is it alcohol free?" Swara asked doubtfully.

"There might be a little bit."

Swara shook her head. "Just give me juice," she said.

Sanskar handed a glass of orange juice taken from the table. Then he took a glass of champagne from one of the waitresses who was going around the room offering champagne and wine.

They sipped their drinks and listen to mrs. Singhania ended her speech. Guests applauded, while mrs. Singhania down from the stage and the band played to accompany the couples who want to dance.

"Sanskar, it's a surprise you came here."

Sanskar turned toward the familiar voice and smiled to his Mom, who somehow was standing next to him. "Hi, Mom. Where's Dad?"

"He was talking to his friend over there," his Mom said, glancing over her shoulder.

"Hi, Mrs. Maheswari," says Swara.

Sujata beamed at Swara. "Oh, hi, Swara. You also come." Her eyes looking at Swara from head to toe. "You look so beautiful, Swara."

Swara's face blushed. "Uh, thank you, Mrs. Maheswari. You also look awesome."

Sujata waved a hand, grinning. "By the way, you guys have met Laksh?" she asked, looking around the room, looking for his youngest son.

"Not yet, Mom" said Sanskar. "Has he come?"

"Haan. He came with us." She looked over Swara's shoulder and said, "Oh, that's Laksh."

Sanskar turned his head to follow his Mom's eyes and saw Laksh walking towards them while smiling broadly. Well, actually the big smile was thrown towards Swara.

"Hey, Bhai. This is a pleasant surprise. Usually you don't attend parties like this," Laksh said as he stood near them. He turned to Swara and added, still smiling, "Bhai always complaining of being bored if he is forced to attend."

"That's why I took Roy with me," Sanskar said flatly. "So she can accompany me and I won't get bored."

"But I hope you don't mind me borrowing her for a while," Laksh said. And before Sanskar could answer, he turned to look at Swara and asked, "You look beautiful tonight, so will you dance with me?"

Swara smiled and was about to accept Laksh's invitation when she remembered that she should accompany Sanskar. She looked at Sanskar doubtfully. "You don't mind, haina?" she asked doubtfully.

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