Chapter 9

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Thank you guys for ur support on previous chapter. Lets continue this story and sorry for any gramatical error.


"OH, crap!" Swara cursed as she pulled out the cellphone from her bag. 15 missed calls from Sanskar. She rushed to wear her jeans and shoes, then say goodbye to her dance teacher.

Swara quickly walked up the corridor between the rows of seats to the exit. He must be furious, Swara thought anxiously and then called Sanskar quickly.

In the second ring, Sanskar's voice was heard at the other end. "Roy, why don't you answer my phone?"

Swara bit her lower lip. "Sorry," she said quietly. "I didn't hear it."

"Do you know how long I've been waiting?"

"Sorry," Swara repeated. "Where are you now? I'll be there soon."

"Stop," Sanskar said suddenly.

Swara automatically stopped walking even though she didn't understand what Sanskar meant. "What?"

"Yes, stop like that," said Sanskar. "Now turn to the left."

Swara followed Sanskar's words.

And Swara's eyes widened in surprise, when she saw Sanskar sitting a few chairs away from where she was standing. He smiled lightly at her while lowering the cellphone from his ear.

Swara blinked in surprise. First, because Sanskar smiled. He had never smiled at her. Second, because Sanskar was there. Swara didn't know which one was more surprising to her.

"Why are you here?" Swara asked as she turned left and right, as if looking for someone who could explain why Sanskar was there. "How long have you been here?"  

Sanskar put his phone into his pants pocket and said lightly, "By the way, you can put down your phone."

Swara gasped and realized that her cellphone was still stuck to her ear. She hurriedly put it back in her bag.

"So that's what is called contemporary dance," Sanskar murmured as he looked towards the stage where the dancers were busy practicing.

Swara didn't know whether Sanskar was talking about her or the dancers on that stage.

Did he see me dance?

"Good song choice," Sanskar continued, turning back to Swara. Seeing the confused look of Swara, Sanskar continued, "Toota jo kabhi tara."

Ohoo he was here when I danced.

Swara nodded and replied, "I didn't expect you to know that song. I thought you only listened to Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, and something like that."

Sanskar looked at Swara with narrowed eyes, but this time Swara did not feel like wanting to back off. Sanskar's gaze this time was not cold and hostile. And by the way, Sanskar wasn't angry because he couldn't call her and had to wait. It's surprisingly.

"I'm a musician, of course I know all kinds of songs and music," Sanskar said with a haughty tone in his voice. "Your knowledge of classical musicians is pretty good."

Swara wants to reply that it's not just musicians who need to know about music. Dancers also know. But at that moment Sanskar stood up from his seat and stepped out of the row of seats, so Swara stepped aside slightly to make way. Sanskar came out of the theater and Swara followed him from behind.

"So you met your teachers?" Swara asked pleasantly.

Sanskar nodded. "Yep."

"Your teacher still remembers you?"

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