Chapter 2

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Merry Christmas guys 🎄😍💖. For your Christmas time, I wish you many blessings, much happiness, and even more love.

I wanna say thank U for ur support on the previous chapter. Lets continue this story nd again sorry for any gramatical error.


"Who is she?"
"Swara who?"
"Swara Roy."

Sanskar frowned and tried to remember whether he knew the name, because from the way Laksh mentioned that name, it seemed like everyone should know who Swara Roy was. But no, Sanskar was sure he didn't know anyone with such a name.

"She asked me if I could come occasionally and teach hip-hop classes at the dance studio where she taught dance. She is also a dancer, you know? Contemporary dancer. Very talented. I've seen her dance. And I immediately ... fascinated." Laksh paused for a moment, as if again immersed in the fascination he mentioned. Then he continued, "Anyway, she asked me if I could teach hip-hop classes because they lacked decent hip-hop instructors. How can I refuse the opportunity to meet her again?"

"Mmm," Sanskar muttered while nodding understanding. " like the girl."

"Yes," Laksh answered frankly, "Me and about a dozen other men."

"Ohoo. A popular girl," Sanskar commented.

"You could say that," Laksh confirmed, then smiled thinly. "She's a sweet girl. And nice. And kind. And ... I don't know, she makes everything feel so good. Do you understand what I mean?"

Oh, my God. My brother turned sappy, Sanskar sighed to himself. "So, does she also like you?" he asked again.

This time Laksh sighed. "That's the problem. I don't know."

Sanskar glanced at his brother at a glance and then looked back to the road ahead. "You didn't know?"

"I really don't know," Laksh said again. "Sometimes I think she likes me. You know, there are times when she sees me, smiles at me, or when she talks to me, I think she likes me. But then I realize that she also sees, smiles, and talks to other people like that. ... Well, yeah, I don't know. "

Sanskar laughed loudly. "Lucky, you've been tricked," he said bluntly. "If she is a popular girl, I can imagine she must have been an expert in controlling the men who surrounded her. Including you, poor Lucky."

Laksh shook her head. "No, she isn't like that. She's not the type of girl like that," he argued softly. "Listen Bhai, why don't you stop by for a while in the studio and I'll introduce you to her. After that you'll know that your judgment is wrong."

Sanskar didn't answer, just smiled broadly and shrugged his shoulders.

"And if you really are an expert at evaluating women, maybe after seeing her and correcting your initial assessment of her, you can give me a little tips about how to approach her," Laksh added again.


"This is the place. Come on, come in."

Sanskar stopped stepping and looked at the three-story stone building in front of him. On the nameplate hanging above the entrance is written My Little Step Dance Studio. He followed Laksh who had entered the building and passed the reception desk. Laksh greeted the middle-aged fat woman behind the reception desk, who greeted him with a big smile.

"Is that Swara?" joked Sanskar.

"Haha. Funny," Laksh muttered flatly. "Usually she is in the training room upstairs. Chalo."

Sanskar chuckled and followed Laksh up the stairs to the top floor. "Tell me how you met this Swara."

Before Laksh could answer, suddenly there was a loud gasp from above them, followed by a loud noise. Both of them looked up simultaneously. Everything happened so fast that Sanskar didn't see what was happening at all. Something fell from the top floor, crashed into him violently, causing him to lose his balance and falling rolling on the stairs.


Sanskar heard Laksh's shout before he landed on the floor and his head hit something hard. His eyes darkened for a moment and darkness seemed to swirl behind his eyelids. Something big overtook him. He can't talk. And can hardly breathe.

"Bhai! Bhai, are you okay?" Sanskar heard Laksh's worried voice, but he couldn't answer.

"Swara?" Laksh's voice was heard again. This time his voice sounded even more anxious, "Swara, are you okay?"

Sanskar opened his eyes slowly and immediately realized what was actually suppressing him and made his chest feel heavy.

His eyes met with a pair of big doe eyes that were very beautiful and made him momentarily stunned. The long-haired and beautiful-eyed girl who overtook Sanskar blinked once, then her black eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh! Oh, my God. Oh, my God! I'm sorry." She quickly tried to stand up.

"Swara, why ...? What happened?" Laksh asked, pulling the girl's arm to help her stand up.

The girl grimaced when her right foot stepped on the floor. "Ouch, Ouch. Wait..wait ..."

"Are your legs sprained?" Laksh asked worriedly.

Sanskar looked at his brother with a look of disbelief. Laksh is busy taking care of the girl and doesn't care about his brother who lying helpless on the floor? Just wait, Laksh Maheswari will pay for this.

Sanskar tried to sit down. He moved his hands to support his body and immediately felt an unbearable pain.

"Any other injuries?" Laksh's voice was heard again and surely the question was not addressed to Sanskar. "Did your head hit something? Come on, we better go to the hospital."

"No!" said the girl quickly. "Why do we have to go to the hospital? No. I'm fine."

"But you better go to the hospital. Just to make sure," Laksh said again.

"No need. I told you I'm okay."


Sanskar sat with difficulty and interrupted his brother, "I think we should go to the hospital."

The girl turned towards Sanskar. "Really. I don't need to go to the hospital. I ..."

"Not you," Sanskar interrupted sharply as he gritted his teeth to endure the pain that pierced his left wrist. "But me."

This time Laksh turned to Sanskar. "Oh, my God."


That's it for now guys. Let me know ur view and plz hit vote if U like the story.



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