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Jisoo-unnie and Chaeng disagreed with how you ended us, but they didn’t want to pick sides.

They were doubtful of our ‘friendship’ arrangement. They said there was no way that we could still be close friends after just walking out of what we had had.

But they didn’t know no better.

When I wanted someone to cheer me up and distract me from you, I’d go to Chaeng. When I wanted someone to give me old sayings and comfort me, I’d go to Jisoo-unnie.

But who would I go to when I broke down to tears and I wanted nobody else but you?


We finally settled our differences.

I finally snapped on you on one night and told you about all my doubts and questions about our situation and how hard was it for me to try to move on but still act exactly like I used to around you. I didn’t mean to make you sad even more, but I didn’t want to cry too.

You answered me saying that you didn’t want us to be distant. You said that even though we were not together anymore, you hoped that we could still be friends and be in each other’s life.

I asked you to still give me some space, because I was trying to do what you had asked of me.

To move on.

Little did I know that I would forever still be in love with you no matter how ‘moved on’ I was.

here's a letter from me to you. // jenlisa.Where stories live. Discover now