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Lalisa Manoban didn’t know what happened when she heard a knock on her door that same night and discovered that the noise came from the one and only Jennie Kim.

“Can I come in?” the brunette asked.

Lisa was too stupefied to answer anything, so she nodded.

Jennie Kim walked inside the room like she owned the place. Lisa knowing Jennie, thought that she might as well did.

Jennie owned everything that Lisa ever had anyway.

The older girl sat on a chair on the side of her bed. “You should sit down,” she then said to Lisa who didn’t even realize she was still standing and holding the door open the whole time.

Lisa closed the door and took a seat on her bed facing Jennie.

It was perplexing for Lisa to see the older girl in her room at that time of the night. After her outed connection with that guy from a known Korean boy band, she mostly stayed out of Lisa’s way in private. Or maybe it was Lisa who had been avoiding her.

Whatever it was, it had been so long since they last interacted with each other in private.

“I want to tell you something,” Jennie started.

“Okay?” Lisa said unsure and trying to calm her palpitating heart from being in such close proximity with the long lost love of her life.

Jennie was clearly nervous, Lisa could tell. She was looking down and she counted twice Jennie had smacked her lips since she'd walked in. Not to mention the clear sign of her playing with her fingers. Lisa didn’t know whether to be proud of ashamed of herself for still being able to read Jennie like an open book.

If whatever she was going to tell could make Jennie Kim nervous, Lisa should be nervous to hear about it too.

“CEO Yang knows about us.”

And she was right.

“What? What do you mean?”

She finally lifted her head up to look Lisa in the eyes. “Like, he’s known all this time that we were together.” She didn’t wait for Lisa’s response.

“He called me inside his office one day and told me that he knew. That was the same day I ended things between us.”

Lisa was hit by realization. “So… our break up?”

“Yes,” Jennie nodded, her throat showed that she just gulped down something. “He told me that he wanted us to break up. He said he kept quiet all this time because he hoped it was just a phase, but then he realized that it was too risky for us to be in a relationship at this time. There was also a dating ban in our contract after all. I didn’t want you to hate him or did anything reckless.”

Lisa wasn’t sure whether she should be glad. Jennie didn’t break up with her because she wanted to, but she had to. But if that was true, why didn’t she tell her sooner? And what about that thing with Kai?

“But Kai?” Lisa protested speaking her mind.

“CEO Yang was too late. Dispatch got us. The company already paid some money to keep them quiet, and CEO Yang would’ve made me date another guy to hide it, but around the same time they got Kai with his boyfriend too, so he was convenient,” Jennie regretfully said.

Lisa put her hands over her mouth. She was horrified by the truth.

“I’m so so sorry you had to go through all that, Unnie. I didn’t know,” Lisa said close to tears before going quiet. She was trying to process all the facts that had been fed to her in less than 5 minutes in one night.

“Are you okay?” Jennie asked. Her voice was unsure. She didn’t want to set Lisa off.

Lisa blinked the tears away and shook her head. “Yeah, I just- Why are you telling me this?” Lisa asked.

It still didn’t make any sense why Jennie was telling her that now.

“I miss you,” the other girl answered.

That one statement was enough to revive the warm butterflies she thought were dead inside her body. It was as if Jennie had set her alive once again after so long with only those three words.

“You know now that I didn’t want to break up with you. It physically hurts me to even say those words to you. I just can’t bear to have you so distant with me without knowing the real reason why I’m like this. I just want us to be like we used to, even though we still can’t be together,” she finished.

Lisa understood her. CEO Yang was right. It was too risky for them to be together at times like this. The Dispatch thing was a proof enough.

She finally got that it wasn’t safe for them anywhere. No matter how discreet they tried to be, the people in entertainment industry would always be smarter.

It was such a devastating fact that there were too many people in the world who were together with someone that they weren’t in love with meanwhile there were also other people out there who couldn’t be together with the one they loved.

Jennie must’ve seen the hopelessness mixed with tears in Lisa’s eyes, because in what seemed like a blink of an eye, she had wrapped Lisa in her arms and hugged her close in a crushing embrace.

They were wrapped in each other’s arms and breathing in each other’s scents. They were grasping each other for more, as if tomorrow wouldn’t give them another chance for another embrace. One of them let out a sob and the other followed until they were both a blubbering mess.

Jennie sat on Lisa’s lap with her arms around her neck, and Lisa was holding Jennie’s body close to her by the waist. They both were trying their best to make the most out of this moment.

This was their first time being like this since they broke up and they knew might as well be the last.

“I love you,” Lisa whispered in Jennie’s ears, kissing the side of her neck.

“I love you.” She heard Jennie whispered back almost inaudibly.


Sometimes in life, you don’t always get what you want the way you want it to. Sometimes, the one that you love is the one that must be taken from you in the harshest way possible. Still you must have faith. For life works differently for everyone. For every lost is always a gain.

Pain makes you appreciate every happiness you are allowed.

If these two people turn out to not be together in the end, we should have no regret. For every interaction they make has already made our smiles. For every smile that appears in their faces has already been the source of our happiness.

We shall have no regrets, for we have made the most beautiful love story to ever exist.

no offense, billy haha

i think the last quote comes from a camren edit in youtube. whoever you are if you’re reading this, i love you, man.

some of the quotes here are taken from posts in @poemsporn_ in instagram. check them out. they're amazing.

here's everything i have on this story. whoever has read this far, you da real mvp, man. i love you.

here's a letter from me to you. // jenlisa.Where stories live. Discover now