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You stopped coming to my room ever since then, Jen.

You were barely around.

Maybe because you were busy with your solo debut.

I was proud of you.

And I hoped you would’ve celebrated it with me together.

But you were never around when I was the only one.

Jisoo-unnie and Chaeng were always there.

I didn’t know if I regret asking you for space.


We finally told our parents together. We decided that we owed them that much.

My parents were not ecstatic, but they knew that we were old enough to make decisions of our own. They wished us the best.

Your mother tried to hide her excitement.

She was probably glad that she got her daughter back.

You didn’t look so happy, though.

I wondered why.


It took me weeks after we broke up to stop the habit of calling things as ours.

It took me a little less than that to stop waiting for you to join me on things that we used to do together.

It took me around a few days to muster a believably sincere smile for you in front of the camera.

It took me less to stop flinching when we got too close even for our dance routine.

But it still took me hours to stop crying over you once I started.

here's a letter from me to you. // jenlisa.Where stories live. Discover now